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Successful training at Purdue

Mary Anne · February 29, 2016

We’re happy to write that we recently concluded a successful 2-day training series at Purdue University – the Graduate School! It was a fun 2 days filled with 5 different training sessions – all well attended.

Mary Anne from Overleaf presenting a training workshop at Purdue University in January 2016

We were able to discuss the benefits of Overleaf, the new Overleaf/Purdue web portal, and lots of questions from the audience!

I was there in person and CEO and Co-Founder, John Hammersley was in attendance via a web conference – where he was able to demonstrate Overleaf features such as working offline with Git, Reference Manager linking and integration, protected documents and sharing, and cool researcher tools such as Plotly and Detexify.

The sessions were attended by 120 students, researchers and faculty from a wide range of disciplines – check out the stats below (click to view a larger version):

Attendee stats from the Overleaf training workshops at Purdue University in January 2016

If you’re interested in hearing more about these features you can watch a video recording of the session on the Purdue Grad School website, and if you would like Overleaf rolled out to your institution – let us know!


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