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Submit to PeerJ directly from Overleaf

John · January 28, 2014

We're delighted to announce a new partnership with the open access publisher PeerJ. As a writeLaTeX user, you can now submit your articles directly to their journal or pre-print server.

Scientific publishing in the cloud

Two weeks ago we kicked off a new year for science and publishing with our first event of 2014. Held at the British Library, the occasion marked the launch of Overleaf, our new collaborative platform for scientific writing and publishing.

By connecting directly to journals and repositories, our submission system provides a simple and effective way to streamline the publication process -- when you've finished writing your paper, all it takes is a couple of clicks to send it (with all associated files) directly to the journal.

Over the past year we've been working with open access publishers in different fields to create these connections. Beginning with a direct submission link to figshare in early 2013, and now including integrated services for Flooved and F1000Research, we're seeing increased demand from authors and editors alike for more links and closer integration.

Today is another big step forward -- we're pleased to bring you a direct submission link to the award winning open access publisher PeerJ.

How to submit your papers to PeerJ

Papers can be submitted from writeLaTeX in two ways:

1. Using the new PeerJ submission template, which contains a prominent 'Submit to PeerJ' link in the editor topbar. Use of this template is entirely optional, but it may save time on formatting later.

Writelatex PeerJ journal article and preprint LaTeX template screenshot

2. Simply open the publish menu from any document and follow the 'Submit to PeerJ' link. Once you're ready to send, your files and relevant metadata are exported directly to PeerJ, and their staff will then contact you to complete the submission process.

Writelatex Publish Menu Modal Window

Click either image above to start writing (or paste into your browser), and submit your work to PeerJ in a couple of clicks when you're ready!

About PeerJ

PeerJ logo

PeerJ is the award winning open access publisher of PeerJ (a peer-reviewed academic journal) and PeerJPrePrints (an un-peer reviewed preprint server), both serving the biological, life, medical and health sciences.

Authors take out Publication Plans at PeerJ which entitle them to lifetime publication rights, for free. For just $99 (a one off payment) an author can publish one paper per year with PeerJ, for free, for life. Note: All co-authors on a paper need to have an appropriate Publication Plan. Details at:

PeerJ was named as the Publishing Innovation of 2013 by the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers; Nature has described them as a “significant innovation”; the Chronicle of Higher Education named them one of the Top 10 Educational Technology Innovators of 2013; and a recent review in the Library Journal stated that PeerJ was “one of a few online journals that show that it was born digital”.

PeerJ gets 1st decisions back to authors in a Median time of 24 days. They encourage peer-reviewers to name themselves (40% do) and they allow authors to reproduce their peer review history on their published article (80% do).

PeerJ has 5 Nobel Prize Winners on the Board (a Board which consists of over 800 world class experts in all subject areas).

A recent PeerJ author survey showed that 91% of authors rated their experience as either “one of the best I have ever had” (42%) or “good” (49%).


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