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  • Posted by Shelly on October 28, 2015
    Overleaf Advisor Ratul Saha presenting at the Chennai Mathematical Institute

    Overleaf would like to congratulate and thank Ratul Saha for his hard work on organizing a successful LaTeX overview presentation at Chennai Mathematical Institute. Ratul has been an Overleaf advisor for 10 months and we certainly appreciate his continued support and promotion of Overleaf.

    As a result, Overleaf is delighted to name Ratul Saha as Advisor of the Month for October, 2015. Thank you Ratul!

  • Posted by Mary Anne on October 15, 2015

    Overleaf has announced that Springer will integrate 20 Springer journals and the Springer Transfer Desk with the Overleaf online LaTeX and rich text collaborative writing and publishing platform.

    Martijn Roelandse, Manager Publishing Innovation at Springer, said,

    Martijn Roelandse photo
    “By working with Overleaf, our authors will have access to cutting-edge technology that can simplify their writing, collaboration and publishing processes. We’re very happy to be able to provide this service to our authors.”
  • Posted by John on October 14, 2015
    Overleaf Altmetric and Figshare in the Digital Science booth at Frankfurt Bookfair 2015

    If you're attending Frankfurt Bookfair this week, come and say hello to our founder John Lees-Miller and our CMO Mary Anne Baynes.

  • Posted by Shelly on October 13, 2015

    As part of Digital Science's celebrations for Ada Lovelace Day, I'd like to share a few words about my one of my female role models, Dr Jane Goodall.

  • Posted by Mary Anne on October 1, 2015
    Overleaf IEEE logo header

    Overleaf Collaborates with IEEE to Integrate Advanced Online Editing Tools into Newly-Launched IEEE Collabratec™ Online Community

    London: Boston Oct 1, 1pm EST Today, Overleaf announced that IEEE, the world’s largest professional organization advancing technology for humanity, has integrated the Overleaf online LaTeX and rich text collaborative writing and publishing tool into IEEE Collabratec™, the new IEEE professional networking and collaboration platform.

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