The Cosmostatistics Initiative (COIN) on Overleaf
The Cosmostatistics Initiative (COIN) is partnering with Overleaf to provide free Overleaf Professional accounts and LaTeX resources to all members of the COIN community.
Join The Cosmostatistics Initiative (COIN) on Overleaf
COIN members (as at March 12th 2016) who were already using Overleaf have been automatically upgraded to Professional - simply login to Overleaf to start using your upgraded account!
COIN members who were not already using Overleaf should have received an email inviting them to join Overleaf to claim their free upgrade. To claim your upgrade, please click the link in the email. If you have not received an email (please check your spam folder), please let us know and we'll look into it for you.
If you are a new member of COIN, please contact Rafael S. de Souza at to ask to be added to the Overleaf COIN group.
Quick Start
Welcome to your quick start guide to Overleaf. We've put together some useful resources and links in the sections below, and if you have any questions about how to get started please let us know and we'll be happy to help!
You can also read a short interview with one of the COIN and IAA members, Maria L. Dantas, on her experiences with Overleaf on the Overleaf blog.
Intro Videos
Modèles LaTeX mis en avant

FAQ & Help
What is COIN?
The Cosmostatistics Initiative (COIN), an international working group built under the auspices of the International Astrostatistics Association (IAA), aims to create an interdisciplinary environment where collaborations between astronomers, statisticians and machine learning experts can flourish.
COIN is designed to promote the development of a new family of tools for data exploration in astrophysics and cosmology. The group is led by Rafael S. de Souza and researchers willing to join are welcomed to contact him at
What is Overleaf?
Overleaf is an online collaborative writing and publishing tool. It allows you to collaborate online with coauthors and greatly simplifies the process of creating and writing a LaTeX document. Overleaf's custom templates allow authors to submit their papers directly to many journals and repositories via Overleaf, including the arXiv.
How can I sign up for my free Overleaf Professional Account?
If you're already a member of COIN, you should have automatically received an invite to the email address you used to register with COIN. If this invite hasn't arrived (please check your spam folder), please get in touch and we'll look into it for you.
What's a "Pro" account, and what happens when the one-year period is over?
At the end of the one-year trial, you may choose to continue as Overleaf Pro subscriber (current cost $8/mo), or your account will revert to the Overleaf Free plan. Any data or papers saved in Overleaf will continue to be accessible.
Special Awards: After the end of the first year, 10 award extensions of the Pro account will be granted to those users who have been particularly active in promoting and using the Overleaf platform.
For more information about the different Overleaf plans, please see this page, and if you have any questions about this please let us know.
Who created the artwork used in the portal image on this page?
The artwork in the image above is by Sandbox Studio, Chicago with Kimberly Boustead. The image was originally featured in an article in Symmetry Magazine on The Rise of Astrostatistics, which interviews Joseph Hilbe, the founding President of the International Astrostatistics Association which sponsors the Cosmostatistics Initiative.
Quick links to Overleaf integration guides
- Linking your Mendeley account, for quick import of your Mendeley reference library.
- Work offline with Git: how to sync your Overleaf projects using Git.
- See also How to synchronize an Overleaf LaTeX paper with a Github repository (external).
- How to create plots and figures with and import them into your Overleaf projects.
- How to make your paper citable and trackable by publishing to Zenodo.
- How to publish your projects on figshare to get an instant DOI.
- How to import your references from Zotero.
- How to setup an auto-backup using Overleaf → Dropbox → BitBucket (external).
More resources from the Cosmostatistics Initiative
Please visit the Cosmostatistics Initiative website for more information and a list of other useful resources and services.