SIFI Khedidja
Last Updated:
il y a 7 ans
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
CadreEtoile avec tikz & arabtex

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CadreEtoile avec tikz & arabtex
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Document écrit par `SIFI Khedidja'(sifikhedidja@gmail.com)
% Compilé avec PDFlATeX
\definecolor{Gcl}{cmyk}{0,0,0,0.2} % {0,1,0,0}=Magenta,{1,0,0,0}=BlueClair,{0,0,1,0}=Jaune,{0,0,0,1}=Noir.
\pagecolor{Gcl}% GrisClair
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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Les étoiles %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\tikzset{every node/.style={draw=blue!90!black,fill=blue,inner sep=2.2pt}} %
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\node at (10,13.2)[shape=star] {\bf{\shadowtext{\<wa quB|B|Bl rab|BBy zidny `ilm|B"aNB|B|BA>}}};
\tikzset{every node/.style={draw=blue,fill=red!30!yellow,text=black}}
\node at (10,2.5)[shape=starburst]{\bf{\< Al.s|BBiyB|B|Bfiy _hdiy|B|B|BjaT> \<min 'i`B|B|BdAd:>}};
\node at (10,23.5)[shape=rounded rectangle]{\LARGE\< bsB|B|Bmi al|Blhi alr.hmB|B|BAni alr.hiyB|B|Bm >};