Said Benaissa
Last Updated:
il y a 8 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
basic box/.style={
shape=rectangle, rounded corners, align=center,
draw=#1, fill=#1!25},
header node/.style={
Minimum Width=header nodes,
text depth=+0pt,
fill=white, draw},
inner ysep=+1.5em,
append after command={
node [header node] (header-\TikZlastnode) at (\TikZlastnode.north) {#1}
node [span=(\TikZlastnode)(header-\TikZlastnode)] at (fit bounding box) (h-\TikZlastnode) {}
hv/.style={to path={-|(\tikztotarget)\tikztonodes}},
vh/.style={to path={|-(\tikztotarget)\tikztonodes}},
fat blue line/.style={ultra thick, blue}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm, thick, nodes={align=center}, >=latex]
\node[Minimum Width=loop, shape=ellipse, fill=red] (imp-sol){Comment le monde maintenant:\\
1- \'{E}tat ?\\
2- Comment le monde \'{e}volue ?\\
3- Quel est l'impact de mes actions ?};
\node[Minimum Width=loop, fill=yellow, below=of imp-sol] (rec-box) {Quelle action dois-je faire maintenant};
\node[Minimum Width=loop, shape=ellipse, fill=green,below=of rec-box] (imp-sol1){\'{E}tat (i-1)};
\node[Minimum Width=loop, fill=orange, below=of imp-sol1] (rec-box1) {\'{E}tat (i)};
\node[shift=(left:.3*x_node_dist)] at ($(imp-sol1.west|-imp-sol1.south)!.5!(rec-box1.north west)$) (for-3) {Condition};
\node[shift=(right:.3*x_node_dist)] at ($(imp-sol1.east|-imp-sol1.south)!.5!(rec-box1.north east)$) (for-4) {Action};
\node[shift=(left:.3*x_node_dist)] at ($(imp-sol.west|-imp-sol.south)!.5!(rec-box.north west)$) (for-1) {Condition};
\node[shift=(right:.3*x_node_dist)] at ($(imp-sol.east|-imp-sol.south)!.5!(rec-box.north east)$) (for-2) {Action};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node[fit=(for-1)(for-2)(for-3)(for-4)(imp-sol1)(rec-box1)(imp-sol)(rec-box), basic box=blue, header=Agent] (dmft-l) {};
\path[very thick, blue, hv] (rec-box) edge[->] (for-1) edge[<-] (for-2)
(imp-sol) edge[->] (for-2) edge[<-] (for-1)
(rec-box1) edge[->] (for-3) edge[<-] (for-4)
(imp-sol1) edge[->] (for-4) edge[<-] (for-3);
\node[east above=of dmft-l, basic box=green, header=Capteurs] (dmft-p)
{Perception d'\'{e}tat d'environnement};
\node[north left=of dmft-l, basic box=green, header= Effecteurs, shift=(down:y_node_dist)] (rho)
{Ex\'{e}xecution d'action};
\node[basic box=blue, header=Environnement, anchor=north] at (dmft-p.north-|rho) (dft)
{Environnement d'agent.};
\node[basic box=green, anchor=north] at ($(dft.north east)!.5!(dmft-p.north west)$) (upd) {Mise-\`{a}-jour};
\path[fat blue line, <-, dashed, vh] (rho) edge ({$(rho.south)!.5!(dmft-l.south)$}-|dmft-l.south west);
\path[fat blue line, ->] ({$(upd.south)!.5!(dmft-p.south)$}-|dmft-p.south west) coordinate (@)
edge[<-, solid] coordinate[pos=.2] (@s) coordinate[pos=.8] (@e) (@-|dft.east)
{[every edge/.append style=dashed, vh] (@s) edge[<-] (upd) (@e) edge (upd)}
(h-rho) edge[dashed] (dft)
($(dmft-p.south)!.5!(dmft-p.south east)$) coordinate (@) edge (@|-dmft-l.north);