%This is the minimal setup required to render the flag
\usepackage[paperwidth=190cm, paperheight=100cm,top=0cm,bottom=0cm,left=0cm,right=0cm]{geometry}
%Paper width is set to 190cm by 100 cm to match the Marshall Islands Government-specified aspect ratio (19:10)
% Marshall Islands Government-specified colors for the flag
% Other government specifications include (assuming flag is 1900 units by 1000 units):
%Positions on left edge of flag, from lower-left corner:
%Bottom of white stripe is 16 units up
%Top of white stripe/Bottom of orange stripe is 32 units up
%Top of orange stripe is 48 units up
%Positions on right edge of flag, from upper-right corner:
%Top of orange stripe is 16 units down
%Top of white stripe/Bottom of orange stripe is 212 units down
%Bottom of white stripe is 408 units down
%Union (star):
%Center is equidistant from left edge of flag, upper edge of flag and upper edge of orange stripe, or equivalently S units right and S units down from upper-left corner, where S=(444058206579-2380001*sqrt(19416973241))/3078950000, approximately 365.116
%Union has 24 points (tips), each spaced 15 degrees apart
%Tips at 0,90,180,270 degrees from hoist are 310 units from center
%All other tips are 222 units from center
%Inner points (between tips) are 98 units from center
%Created by Senan Sekhon, April 4, 2021
\begin{center} %Not required, but helps with positioning
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] %Scale must be changed to make the flag fit on letter/A4 paper (scale=1 produces a 190 cm by 100 cm flag)
\fill[miblue] (-95,-50) rectangle (95,50); %Blue background of flag
\fill[miwhite] (-95,-48.4)--(95,9.2)--(95,28.8)--(-95,-46.8)--cycle; %White stripe
\fill[miorange] (-95,-46.8)--(95,28.8)--(95,48.4)--(-95,-45.2)--cycle; %Orange stripe
%Union (star):
\def\s{(444.058206579-23.80001*sqrt(194.16973241))/3.07895} %approximately 36.5116, decimal points are necessary to avoid 'Dimension too large' error
\fill[miwhite] (0:\c)--(\t:\a)--(2*\t:\b)--(3*\t:\a)--(4*\t:\b)--(5*\t:\a)--(6*\t:\b)--(7*\t:\a)--(8*\t:\b)--(9*\t:\a)--(10*\t:\b)--(11*\t:\a)--(12*\t:\c)--(13*\t:\a)--(14*\t:\b)--(15*\t:\a)--(16*\t:\b)--(17*\t:\a)--(18*\t:\b)--(19*\t:\a)--(20*\t:\b)--(21*\t:\a)--(22*\t:\b)--(23*\t:\a)--(24*\t:\c)--(25*\t:\a)--(26*\t:\b)--(27*\t:\a)--(28*\t:\b)--(29*\t:\a)--(30*\t:\b)--(31*\t:\a)--(32*\t:\b)--(33*\t:\a)--(34*\t:\b)--(35*\t:\a)--(36*\t:\c)--(37*\t:\a)--(38*\t:\b)--(39*\t:\a)--(40*\t:\b)--(41*\t:\a)--(42*\t:\b)--(43*\t:\a)--(44*\t:\b)--(45*\t:\a)--(46*\t:\b)--(47*\t:\a)--cycle;