2-page non-tech résumé for undergraduates
Shailee Suryawanshi
Last Updated:
il y a 5 ans
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Resume for Undergraduates

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Resume for Undergraduates
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Scholastic Achievements}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.70 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item \noindent Pursuing a \textbf{Minor} in Industrial Design Center(IDC)
\item \noindent Ranked in the top \textbf{3 \%} among \textbf{0.2 million} candidates in JEE Advanced 2017 \hfill {\ \small [April'17]}
\item \noindent Ranked in the top \textbf{1 \%} among \textbf{1.5 million} candidates in JEE Mains 2017 \hfill {\ \small [June'17]}
\item \noindent Secured the \textbf{1st position} in intra-state Talent Search Contest among \textbf{0.1 million} students conducted by \textbf{Navodaya Educational Society And Welfare Committee, Bhopal}\hfill {\ \small [July'15]}
\item \noindent Awarded \textbf{SBI Scholar} Fellowship which is given to meritorious children of SBI staff \hfill {\ \small [July'17]}
% \textbf{Remote Controlled Car}
% \hfill {\ \small [Autumn '16]}
% \\[-0.05cm]
% \emph{Robotics Club | IIT Bombay }
% \\[-0.6cm]
% \begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
% \item \noindent Placed \textbf{4th} among more than \textbf{100} participants, just 4 seconds behind the 1st position
% \item \noindent Performed \textbf{Soldering} of the \textbf{ICs} and \textbf{Bluetooth Module} to the circuit
% \item \noindent Implemented a \textbf{light-weight chassis} for better speed and control of the bot
% \end{itemize}
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Professional Experience}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
%\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\textbf{\large {RnD Sales and Marketing }| \normalfont{World of Steel}} \hfill {\ \small [May'19-July'19]}
\emph{Awarded Letter of Recommendation for excellent performance during the internship period }
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Researched on several platforms including \textbf{LinkedIn} and analyzed the existing information such as \textbf{JNPT}\\(Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust) export data etc. to aim the expansion of business of fasteners in the USA
\item \noindent Targeted the customers interested in Castings and Fasteners by drafting a \textbf{newsletter} and website updates
\item \noindent Documented the \textbf{SOPs} and helped to increase the efficiency of \textbf{CRM}(Customer Relationship Management)
\item \noindent Worked as a \textbf{UI/UX designer}, participating actively in website construction to maximize functionality
\textbf{\large{Product Design Internship}| \normalfont{goDutch}} \hfill {\ \footnotesize [Dec'18]}
\emph{Received Letter of Recommendation for excellent performance during the internship period}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Strategized various measures for targeting \textbf{potential customers}, promotion and launch of the product
\item \noindent Designed the \textbf{official website} and \textbf{campaigns} of the company collaborating with the design team
\item \noindent Used \textbf{Figma}, \textbf{Illustrator}, and \textbf{Photoshop} as designing tools for prototyping, template and icon creation
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Positions of Responsibility}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
%\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\textbf{\large{Internship Coordinator}} \hfill {\ \small [March'19 - present]}
\emph{Institute Placement team, IIT Bombay}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Working in a team of 24 members to secure and streamline Internships for \textbf{2000\text{\small $+$}} students of IITB
\item \noindent Building and fostering relations with leaders across \textbf{250\text{\small $+$}} firms and professors across \textbf{50\text{\small $+$}} renowned universities all over the world to target sectors like Finance, Consulting, and Core engineering
\item \noindent Envisaging \textbf{20\%} increase in internships through targeted contacting and collaboration with professors
\item \noindent Effected an increase in the number of research internships by furthering relations with top B-schools
\item \noindent Systematically analyzed the interest of \textbf{800\text{\small $+$}} students and created an extensive year-long plan
\item \noindent Ideated \textbf{Aptitude Tests} at institute level aimed at pre-interview preparation to cater to aspirants
\textbf{\large{Department Academic Mentor|\normalfont{Student Mentorship Program}}} \hfill {\ \small [March'19 - Present]}
\emph{Selected from over \textbf{70\text{\small $+$}} applicants based on 3 tier selection criteria including peer reviews and an interview}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Mentoring \textbf{6} sophomores on their academic concerns in coordination with their Faculty Advisor
\item \noindent Contributed towards the \textbf{DAMP-blog} for giving the students reviews regarding the course structure
%\item \noindent Guiding them for academic development and general upliftment by supporting and regular monitoring
\textbf{\large{Department Design Secretary}} \hfill {\ \small [Aug'18 - March'19]}
\emph{Electrical Engineering Students Association(EESA), IIT Bombay}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Selected on the basis of balanced academics \& extracurricular activities to spearhead the designing tasks %of the department such as making posters and sweat shirts
\item \noindent Received the \textbf{Certificate of Recognition} for the valuable contribution to the department as the secretary
\item \noindent Assisted department council in conducting various activities like \textbf{Department Traditional Day etc}
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Technical Skills}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.70 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item \noindent \textbf{Programming:} C, C++, Python, VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL), Arduino IDC, \LaTeX
\item \noindent \textbf{Tools:} Quartus Altera, Matlab, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, NGSpice, Xcircuits, MS Office, Salesforce
\item \noindent \textbf{Design:} Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop
\item \noindent \textbf{Micro-controllers:} CPLD(Altera Max V), Arduino, Tiva-C
% \textbf{Organizer of Techfest, Robowars} \hfill {\ \small [2016]}
% \\[-0.05cm]
% \emph{Techfest is Asia's largest Science and Technology festival with a footfall of 165,000+}
% \\[-0.6cm]
% \begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
% \item \noindent \textbf{Coordinated} and \textbf{Managed} the event of Robowars - the \textbf{most anticipated \& popular} event of Techfest
% \end{itemize}
\section*{{ \LARGE \color{myblue} Projects Undertaken}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
%\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\textbf{\large{Microprocessor Design}} \hfill {\ \small [April'19]}
\emph{Guide Prof. Virendra Singh, Electrical Engineering Department } \hfill {\ \small \emph {Course Project}}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Designed a \textbf{16-bit} multi-cycle microprocessor having \textbf{8} registers used for the teaching purposes
\item \noindent The microprocessor can perform \textbf{14} instructions including read, write, jump, branch inequality, etc
\item \noindent Simulated and verified the working of the processor using VHDL on an \textbf{Altera Cyclone V FPGA} device
\textbf{\large{Inclusion and Diversity}} \hfill {\ \small [April'19]}
\emph{Guide Prof. Meenakshi Gupta, Humanities and Social Sciences Department } \hfill {\ \small \emph {Course Project}}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Comprehensively assessed the need for \textbf{corporate} inclusion \& diversity and identified the areas of concern
\item \noindent Identified the areas companies are lagging like gender ratio, age diversification, etc to inculcate the diversity
\item \noindent Suggested the effective \textbf{staffing and policy reformations} to rectify the problems prevailing in the firms
\textbf{\large{Enigma Magazine Design}} \hfill {\ \small [May'19- July'19]}
\emph{Institute Cultural Summer Project} \hfill {\ \small \emph {}}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Worked as an \textbf{editor} and assisted in designing the layout of the magazine and wrote about the \textbf{Fourthwall}, the Dramatics club of IIT Bombay, with a reach of over \textbf{10,000+} audience
\item \noindent Spearheaded the ideation and execution of content for the print edition, each circulated to \textbf{5,000+} students
\textbf{\large{Text Categorization using Machine Learning}} \hfill {\ \small [May'18-July'18]}
\emph{Institute Technical Summer Project} \hfill {\ \small \emph {}}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Implemented a \textbf{neural network} code from scratch to properly classify 20 Newsgroups dataset
\item \noindent Used in-built \textbf{Scikit-learn} functions for neural networks and \textbf{Naive-Bayes algorithm} for the dataset
\item \noindent Analyzed the test and train accuracy for the dataset by varying their function parameters
\textbf{\large{Photonics}} \hfill {\ \small [May'18-July'18]}
\emph{Summer of Science} \hfill {\ \small \emph {}}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Researched on \textbf{semiconductor photonics} and basic optics including ray, wave, Fourier and beam optics
\item \noindent Studied physics associated with the \textbf{optical phenomenon}, \textbf{Helmholtz equation}, and \textbf{Gaussian Beam}
\item \noindent Gained knowledge about basic working principle, properties, and characteristics of \textbf{LEDs} and \textbf{Lasers}
\textbf{\large{Grab Circuit}} \hfill {\ \small [April'18]}
\emph{Guide Prof. Subhanandan Chakraborty} \hfill {\ \small \emph {Course Project}}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm]
\item \noindent Implemented a quiz buzzer using \textbf{Astable Multivibrator}, Comparators, and other circuit elements
\item \noindent Designed the clock having an accuracy of \textbf{0.1 sec} which stops as soon as the first quizzer presses the button
\item \noindent Used a \textbf{7 segment display} to display the reaction time taken by the first quizzer as well as locked others
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Key Courses Undertaken}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
%\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\textbf{Core Electrical}
\item \noindent Microprocessors$^{*}$, Microelectronics, Digital and Analog systems, Communication Systems$^{*}$, Power Electronics, Network Theory, EM Waves$^{*}$, Electrical Subsystems, Semiconductor devices
\textbf{Mathematics and Statistics}
\item \noindent Data Analysis and Interpretation, Probability and Random Processes$^{*}$, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Complex Analysis
\item \noindent Introduction to Design, Principles of Management and Organizational Behaviour, Economics, Computer Programming and Utilization
\hfill{\ $^{*}$ to be completed in Nov '19}
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Extra Curricular Skills \& Achievements}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item \noindent Secured \textbf{$2^{nd}$ position} in Rangoli-Making Competition in \textbf{Freshiezza} conducted by Cultural Council
\item \noindent Successfully completed \textbf{Guitar} and \textbf{App Development} workshops conducted by IIT Bombay
\item \noindent Coordinated in the conduct of \textbf{Kaladarshan}, an annual art and craft exhibition, having a footfall of 10,000{\text\small $+$}
\item \noindent Designed a wireless remote-controlled car for the Intra College bot making competition \textbf{XLR8}
\item \noindent Mentored 4 students for \textbf{XLR8}, an annual competition held by Electronics and Robotics Club
\item \noindent Completed a two-semester course in \textbf{Fine Arts} conducted by National Sports Organization (NSO)
\item \noindent Worked as a coordinator for \textbf{Mood Indigo}, Asia's largest college cultural festival with a footfall of 141,000+ people, leading a team of 30+ organizers for conceptualization, ideation, planning, and execution of the fest
\item \noindent Volunteered in the conduct of various events and activities in \textbf{Abhyuday}, the \textbf{social fest} of IIT Bombay
\item Managed logistics for talks and coordinated with \textbf{20+} journalists during \textbf{E-Summit}(Entrepreneurship Summit)