%load any additional packages
%input macros (i.e. write your own macros file called mymacros.tex
%and uncomment the next line)
%use \\[1ex] is a line break in the title
\author{NAME} %your name
\division{Division of Cybersecurity}
\school{School of Design and Informatics}
% \degree{Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)} %the degree
\degreedate{MONTH, YEAR} %the degree date
% create commands to be able to use these values later
% Commands added by Simon Liebl
% Change the number of chapters contained within your thesis
%end the preamble and start the document
% Please comment this line before using the template to remove the readme from the document
%set the number of sectioning levels that are numbered and appear in the contents
\maketitle % create a title page from the preamble info
% start roman page numbering
\tableofcontents % generate and include a table of contents
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Table of Contents}
\listoffigures % generate and include a list of figures
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
% \listofalgorithms
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Algorithms}
\end{romanpages} % end roman page numbering
%now include the files of latex for each of the chapters etc
%next line adds the Bibliography to the contents page
%uncomment next line to change bibliography name to references
\bibliography{4-Bibliography/bibliography.bib} %use a bibtex bibliography file refs.bib
\bibliographystyle{IEEEtranN} %use the plain bibliography style