% Name :: sthlm Beamer Theme HEAVILY based on the hsrmbeamer theme (Benjamin Weiss)
% Author :: Mark Hendry Olson (mark@hendryolson.com)
% Created :: 2013-07-31
% Updated :: [[April]] 04, 2017 at 16:26:39
% Version :: 2.0.2
% Email :: hendryolson@gmail.com
% Website :: http://markolson.se
% Twitter :: markolsonse
% Instagram :: markolsonse
% License :: This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
% GNU Public License.
% Description :: This presentation is a demonstration of the sthlm beamer
% theme, which is HEAVILY based on the HSRM beamer theme created by Benjamin Weiss
% (benjamin.weiss@student.hs-rm.de), which can be found on GitHub
% <https://github.com/hsrmbeamertheme/hsrmbeamertheme>. It also borrows heavily
% from the work of Matthias Vogelgesang, (https://bloerg.net) and his Metropolis Mtheme,
% <https://github.com/matze/mtheme>.
% Theme :: newPxFont
% Options :: progressbar
% :: sectionpages
% :: numfooter
% :: fullfooter
% :: dovaligncolumns
% :: protectframetitle
% :: greybg
% :: cblock
% :: minimal
\title{Exemplo de Apresentação}
\subtitle{Subtítulo: sthlm v2.0.2 baseado em hsrm \& mTheme}
\author{\texttt{-Autor- MarkOlson.SE}}
\institute{Universidade de Brasília \par \small{File: \jobname}}
pdfauthor = {Mark H. Olson: hendryolson@gmail.com},
pdfsubject = {Beamer},
pdfkeywords = {Beamer theme, sthlm},
pdfmoddate= {D:\pdfdate},
pdfcreator = {}
% FRAME: Theme Package Requirements
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=\cnDarkGrey,bg=white}
% For longer presentations use hideallsubsections option
\section{General Information}
\begin{frame}[c]{sthlm Theme Information}
\alert{sthlm} theme was originally designed to bring pdflatex support and color to the unique beamer \alert{hsrm} theme designed by Benjamin Weiss. Thank You Ben!
Since then, \alert{sthlm} has borrowed heavily from \alert{mTheme} developed by Matthias Vogelgesang.
\begin{frame}[c]{sthlm Theme Information}
\alert{sthlm} continues to be a theme that can easily be modified through the style files. If you are looking for a packaged theme, then I highly recommend \alert{mTheme}.\\
I use a custom version of \alert{sthlm} for daily decks and make a vanilla version of the theme available for others to use and modify. - Enjoy!
\begin{frame}[c]{sthml Build Information}
\cRed{sthlm} theme has been designed and tested to work within the SageMathCloud (Linux) environment.\\
\begin{alertblock}{Warning of Build Issues}
I cannot guarantee that the code used to create the sthlm theme is \emph{error free}, \emph{optimized}, \emph{well written} nor \emph{if it will work in your production environment}.
\begin{frame}[c]{Have Fun!}
If you have read this far, then you are probably interested in using / modifying this theme for your own project. \\
Everything you need is in the
\item style files:
\item \texttt{beamerthemesthlm.\cBlue{sty}},
\item \texttt{beamerfontthemesthlm.\cBlue{sty}},
\item \texttt{beamercolorthemesthlm.\cBlue{sty}}.
\begin{frame}[c]{Get it on GitHub}
This theme and all the documentation is hosted on GitHub \\
\large{Download, Fork, Contribute}
\caption{Hosted on GitHub}
% FRAME: Thank You Overleaf
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=\cnDarkGrey,bg=\cnLightGreen}
\begin{frame}{Thank You Overleaf}
Special thank you to \cGreen{Overleaf} - especially \cGreen{Dr. Lian Tze Lim} for supporting those using the theme on Overleaf. Awesome work!
You can view and download the theme from \cGreen{Overleaf}.
\caption{Thank You Overleaf}
\begin{frame}{Theme Package Requirements}
This theme requires that the following packages are installed:
\item \emph{beamer}
\item \emph{backgrounds}
\item \emph{booktabs}
\item \emph{calc}
\item \emph{datetime}
\item \emph{ragged2e}
\item \emph{tikz}
There is always the option of simplifying the theme to reduce the number of required packages.
\begin{frame}{Replace the Logo With Your Own}
The \cBlue{Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket} logo, \texttt{logo.png}, should be replaced with your own. I teach within the Mathematics Institution at SSHL.
\caption{SSHL Logo}
% FRAME: Theme Options
\begin{frame}{Theme Options}
\textbf{Option} & \textbf{Description} \tabularnewline
\texttt{\cBlue{newPxFont}} & newpxtext and newpxtext fonts will be used (pdfLaTeX) \tabularnewline
\texttt{\cBlue{progressbar}} & Frame Title progress bar \tabularnewline
\texttt{\cBlue{sectionpages}} & Section pages \tabularnewline
\texttt{\cBlue{fullfooter}} & Footers with logo\tabularnewline
\texttt{\cBlue{numfoooter}} & Footers with page number only \tabularnewline
\texttt{\cBlue{greybg}} & Frame background default is set to grey \tabularnewline
\texttt{\cBlue{cblock}} & Blocks with colored background \tabularnewline
\texttt{\cBlue{protectFrameTitle}} & Protect the frame title (if needed) \tabularnewline
\texttt{\cBlue{valigncolumns}} & Vertically align columns\tabularnewline
\begin{frame}[c]{Color Style File}
The sthlm theme style file \texttt{beamerthemesthlm.sty} references the \texttt{beamercolorthemesthlm.sty} file for the theme colors automatically. \\
If you wish to bring your own color theme, then you will have to either change the reference in the \texttt{beamerthemesthlm.sty} file or rename your style file to \texttt{beamercolorthemesthlm.sty}.
\begin{frame}[c]{Primary Presentation Colors}
% Color Box: Dark Grey
% Color Box: Grey
% Color Box: Blue
% Color Box: Light Blue
% Color Box: Red
% Color Box: Light Red
% Color Box: Green
% Color Box: Light Green
% Color Box: Purple
% Color Box: Light Purple
% Color Box: Orange
% Color Box: Light Orange
\begin{frame}{Colored Text}
\caption{Colored Text}
Red & \cLightRed{LightRed} & \cRed{Red} \\[0.25em]
Blue & \cLightBlue{LightBlue} & \cBlue{Blue} \\[0.25em]
Green & \cLightGreen{LightGreen} & \cGreen{Green} \\[0.25em]
Purple & \cLightPurple{LightPurple} & \cPurple{Purple} \\[0.25em]
Orange & \cLightOrange{LightOrange} & \cOrange{Orange} \\[0.25em]
Grey & \cGrey{Grey} & \cDarkGrey{DarkGrey} \\[0.25em]
\label{tab:Colored Text}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnGreen}
\begin{frame}{Frame Colored Backgrounds}
\centering{\cGrey{\Huge{Green Background}}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnLightGreen}
\begin{frame}{Frame Colored Backgrounds}
\centering{\Huge{Light Green Background}}
% FRAME: Theme Package Requirements
\begin{frame}[plain]{Colored Title Block}
\centering{\Huge{Great for examples}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnBlue}
\begin{frame}{Frame Colored Backgrounds}
\centering{\cGrey{\Huge{Blue Background}}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnLightBlue}
\begin{frame}{Frame Colored Backgrounds}
\centering{\Huge{Light Blue Background}}
% FRAME: Theme Package Requirements
\begin{frame}[plain]{Colored Title Block}
\centering{\Huge{Great for definitions}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnRed}
\begin{frame}{Frame Colored Backgrounds}
\centering{\cGrey{\Huge{Red Background}}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnLightRed}
\begin{frame}{Frame Colored Backgrounds}
\centering{\Huge{Light Red Background}}
% FRAME: Theme Package Requirements
\begin{frame}[plain]{Colored Title Block}
\centering{\Huge{Great for alerts}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnPurple}
\begin{frame}{Frame Colored Backgrounds}
\centering{\cGrey{\Huge{Purple Background}}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnLightPurple}
\begin{frame}{Frame Colored Backgrounds}
\centering{\Huge{Light Purple Background}}
% FRAME: Theme Package Requirements
\begin{frame}[plain]{Colored Title Block}
\centering{\Huge{Great for Proofs}}
\setbeamercolor{frametitle}{bg=white, fg=\cnBlue}
\begin{frame}{Simple Frames}
\centering{\Huge{Keeping it Simple}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnLightBlue}
\centering{\Huge{Plain Frame}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnDarkGrey}
\centering{\cGrey{\Huge{Plain Frame}}}
% SECTION: Blocks
% FRAME: Blocks
\begin{block}{Block Title Here}
Great for definitions
\begin{alertblock}{Alert Title Here}
Great for definitions
\begin{exampleblock}{Example Title Here}
Great for examples
% FRAME: Blocks
\begin{block}{Block Title Here}
\item point 1
\item point 2
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=white, bg=\cnBlue}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=\cnLightBlue}
\begin{block}{Blue Colored Blocks}
Produced by using the \texttt{cblock} theme option
% FRAME: Additional Blocks
\begin{frame}{Additional Blocks}
\begin{alertblock}{Alert Block}
Highlight important information.
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=white, bg=\cnRed}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=\cnLightRed}
\begin{block}{Red Colored Blocks}
Produced by using the \texttt{cblock} theme option
% FRAME: Additional Blocks
\begin{frame}{Additional Blocks}
\begin{exampleblock}{Example Block}
Examples can be good.
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=white, bg=\cnGreen}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=\cnLightGreen}
\begin{block}{Green Colored Blocks}
Produced by using the \texttt{cblock} theme option
% FRAME: Blocks
\begin{frame}{Custom Blocks}
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=white, bg=\cnPurple}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=\cnLightPurple}
\begin{block}{Purple customization}
Using the theme colors to generate colored blocks.
\begin{frame}[c]{No Special Fonts Required}
This theme was originally made to work with \texttt{pdflatex} and the default latex fonts.\\
\cRed{sthlm} does comes with a \texttt{pdflatex} font option, \cRed{newPxFont}, which loads the following fonts:
\item \emph{newpxtext} for text
\item \emph{cantarell} for sans-serif
\item \emph{inconsolata} for sans-serif monospaced
\item \emph{newpxmath} for math
Please refer to the \texttt{beamerfontthememsthlm.sty} for the package requirements.
% FRAME: Tables
\caption{Selection of window function and their properties}
\textbf{Window} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{First side lobe}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{3\,dB bandwidth}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Roll-off}} \\
Rectangular & 13.2\,dB & 0.886\,Hz/bin & 6\,dB/oct \\[0.25em]
Triangular & 26.4\,dB & 1.276\,Hz/bin & 12\,dB/oct \\[0.25em]
Hann & 31.0\,dB & 1.442\,Hz/bin & 18\,dB/oct \\[0.25em]
Hamming & 41.0\,dB & 1.300\,Hz/bin & 6\,dB/oct \\
\begin{frame}[c]{Mathematics Step by Step}
Show $[x^n]'=nx^{n-1}$ by using first principles.
\visible<+->{f'(x) & = \displaystyle \lim_{\Delta x \to 0} \frac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{\Delta x} \\}
\visible<+->{&= \displaystyle \lim_{\Delta x \to 0} \frac{(\cRed{x+\Delta x})^n - (\cRed{x})^n}{\Delta x}\\}
\visible<+->{&= \displaystyle \lim_{\Delta x \to 0} \frac{\binom{n}{0}x^n\Delta x^0 +\binom{n}{1}x^{n-1}\Delta x^1 + \cdots + \binom{n}{n}x^0\Delta x^n - \cRed{x^n} }{\Delta x}\\}
\visible<+->{&= \displaystyle \lim_{\Delta x \to 0} \frac{\cRed{1}x^n(\cRed{1}) +\cRed{n}x^{n-1}\Delta x^1 + \cdots + \cRed{1}(\cRed{1})\Delta x^n - \cRed{x^n} }{\Delta x}\\}
\visible<+->{&= \displaystyle \lim_{\Delta x \to 0} \frac{\cRed{x^n} +nx^{n-1}\Delta x + \cdots + \Delta x^n - \cRed{x^n} }{\Delta x}\\}
\visible<+->{&= \displaystyle \lim_{\Delta x \to 0} \frac{\cancel{\cRed{\Delta x}} (nx^{n-1} + \cdots + \Delta x^{n-1} ) }{\cancel{\Delta x}}\\}
% FRAME: Formulas
\begin{block}{Gaussian Probability Density Function}
f \left(x \mid \mu, \sigma^2 \right) = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2 \sigma^2 \pi}} e^{- \dfrac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}
\begin{frame}[c]{More Mathematics}
domain=0:2, range=0:6,ymax=6,ymin=0,
axis lines =left,
every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south},
every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west},
xtick={1,1.666}, ytick={1,3},
xticklabels={$\cPurple{x}$,$\cPurple{x}+\cRed{\Delta x}$}, yticklabels={$f(\cPurple{x})$,$f(\cPurple{x}+\cRed{\Delta x})$},
axis on top,
\addplot [very thick,\cnRed, domain=(0:2)] {-1.994+2.994*x};S
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey,dashed] plot coordinates {(1,0) (1,1)};
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey,dashed] plot coordinates {(0,1) (1,1)};
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey,dashed] plot coordinates {(0,3) (1.666,3)};
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey,dashed] plot coordinates {(1.666,0) (1.666,3)};
\addplot [very thick,\cnBlue, smooth,domain=(0:1.833)] {-1/(x-2)};
\addplot[color=\cnDarkGrey,fill=\cnDarkGrey,only marks,mark=*] coordinates{(1.666,3)}; %% closed hole
\addplot[color=\cnDarkGrey,fill=\cnDarkGrey,only marks,mark=*] coordinates{(1,1)}; %% closed hole
m &= \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x} \\
m & = \frac{\visible<2->{f(\cPurple{x}+\cRed{\Delta x})}\visible<3->{-}\visible<4->{f(\cPurple{x})}}{\visible<5->{\cPurple{x}+\cRed{\Delta x}}\visible<6->{-}\visible<7->{\cPurple{x}}}\\
m &= \underbrace{\frac{\visible<8->{f(\cPurple{x}+\cRed{\Delta x})-f(\cPurple{x})}}{\visible<9->{\cRed{\Delta x}}}}_{\visible<10->{\text{\cRed{difference quotient}}}}
\visible<10->{The slope of the secant line }
\item<10-> can be found using the \cRed{difference quotient}
\item<11-> represents a \cBlue{function}'s \cRed{average} slope on the interval $[\cPurple{x}, \cRed{x+\Delta x}]$
\begin{frame}[c, fragile]{Fragile Frames Not a Problem}
domain=0:6, range=0:7,
height=7cm, %% Hard coded height! Moreover this effects the aspect ratio of the zoom--sort of BAD
axis lines=none,
\only<3->{\addplot [draw=none, fill=\cnDarkGrey!10!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(.8,1.6) (2.834,5)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=\cnDarkGrey!10!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(2.834,5) (4.166,5)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=white] plot coordinates {(1.2,1.6) (4.166,5)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=white] plot coordinates {(.8,1.6) (1.2,1.6)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\only<4->{\addplot [draw=none, fill=\cnDarkGrey!10!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(3.3,3.6) (5.334,5)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=\cnDarkGrey!10!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(5.334,5) (6.666,5)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=white] plot coordinates {(3.7,3.6) (6.666,5)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=white] plot coordinates {(3.3,3.6) (3.7,3.6)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\only<4->{\addplot [draw=none, fill=\cnDarkGrey!10!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(3.7,2.4) (6.666,1)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=\cnDarkGrey!10!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(3.3,2.4) (3.7,2.4)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=white] plot coordinates {(3.3,2.4) (5.334,1)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=white] plot coordinates {(5.334,1) (6.666,1)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\only<3->{\addplot [draw=none, fill=\cnDarkGrey!10!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(.8,.4) (2.834,1)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=\cnDarkGrey!10!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(2.834,1) (4.166,1)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=white] plot coordinates {(1.2,.4) (4.166,1)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot [draw=none, fill=white] plot coordinates {(.8,.4) (1.2,.4)} \closedcycle; %% zoom fill
\addplot[very thick,\cnRed, smooth,domain=(0:1.833)] {-1/(x-2)};
\only<3->{\addplot[very thick,\cnRed, smooth,domain=(2.834:4.166)] {3.333/(2.050-.3*x)-0.333}; %% 2.5 to 4.333
%\addplot[very thick,\cnRed, smooth,domain=(5.334:6.666)] {11.11/(1.540-.09*x)-8.109}; %% 5 to 6.833
\only<4->\addplot[very thick,\cnRed, smooth,domain=(5.334:6.666)] {x-3}; %% 5 to 6.833
\only<2->{ \addplot[color=\cnRed,fill=\cnRed,only marks,mark=*] coordinates{(1,1)};} %% point to be zoomed
\only<3->{\addplot[color=\cnRed,fill=\cnRed,only marks,mark=*] coordinates{(3.5,3)}; } %% zoomed pt 1
\only<4->{\addplot[color=\cnRed,fill=\cnRed,only marks,mark=*] coordinates{(6,3)}; } %% zoomed pt 2
\addplot [->,\cnDarkGrey] plot coordinates {(0,0) (0,6)}; %% axis
\addplot [->,\cnDarkGrey] plot coordinates {(0,0) (2,0)}; %% axis
\only<2->{\addplot [\cnDarkGrey!50!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(.8,.4) (.8,1.6)}; %% box around pt
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey!50!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(1.2,.4) (1.2,1.6)}; %% box around pt
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey!50!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(.8,1.6) (1.2,1.6)}; %% box around pt
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey!50!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(.8,.4) (1.2,.4)}; %% box around pt
\only<3->{\addplot [\cnDarkGrey!50!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(2.834,1) (2.834,5)}; %% zoomed box 1
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey!50!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(4.166,1) (4.166,5)}; %% zoomed box 1
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey!50!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(2.834,1) (4.166,1)}; %% zoomed box 1
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey!50!\cnGrey] plot coordinates {(2.834,5) (4.166,5)}; %% zoomed box 1
\only<4->{\addplot [\cnDarkGrey] plot coordinates {(3.3,2.4) (3.3,3.6)}; %% box around zoomed pt
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey] plot coordinates {(3.7,2.4) (3.7,3.6)}; %% box around zoomed pt
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey] plot coordinates {(3.3,3.6) (3.7,3.6)}; %% box around zoomed pt
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey] plot coordinates {(3.3,2.4) (3.7,2.4)}; %% box around zoomed pt
\only<4->{\addplot [\cnDarkGrey] plot coordinates {(5.334,1) (5.334,5)}; %% zoomed box 2
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey] plot coordinates {(6.666,1) (6.666,5)}; %% zoomed box 2
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey] plot coordinates {(5.334,1) (6.666,1)}; %% zoomed box 2
\addplot [\cnDarkGrey] plot coordinates {(5.334,5) (6.666,5)}; %% zoomed box 2
\node at (axis cs:2.4,0) [anchor=east] {$x$};
\node at (axis cs:0,6.9) [anchor=north] {$y$};
\begin{frame}{PGFPlots Example}
enlarge x limits=0.15,
legend style={at={(-.5,0.5)},
anchor=north,legend columns=1},
ylabel={\% students},
symbolic x coords={A, B, C, D, E, F, DNF},
bar width=2mm,
\legend{2012, 2013};
% Spring 2012 results
\addplot[fill=\cnGrey] coordinates {(A,0) (B,0) (C,3.85) (D,23.07) (E,43.31) (F,30.77) (DNF,0.00)};
% Spring 2013 results
\addplot[fill=\cnBlue] coordinates {(A,0) (B,3.70) (C,22.22) (D,22.22) (E,40.74) (F,3.70) (DNF,7.41)};
\caption{Consistent improvement over the last year}
% FRAME: Multiple Columns
\begin{frame}{Multiple Columns}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
\item Point 1
\item Sub point a
\item Sub point b
\item Point 2
Alan V. Oppenheim
\newblock Discrete - Time Signal Processing
\newblock Prentice Hall Press, 2009
European Broadcasting Union
\newblock Specification of the Broadcast Wave Format (BWF)
\newblock 2011
% SECTION: Conclusion
This sthlm beamer theme is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.\\
If you have any questions or comments
\item Website: \cBlue{markolson.se}
\item Twitter: \cBlue{@markolsonse}
\item Instagram: \cBlue{@markolson.se}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=\cnDarkGrey}
\centering{\cGrey{\Huge{THE \newline END}}}