Nadjib Mammeri
Last Updated
il y a 2 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for an arabic book that supporting RTL and multi languages.
% Template for a book in arabic
% author: Nadjib Mammeri
% Copyright 2023
% largely inspired from Mohammed Obaid Alziyadi book template
% with simplification and update to work with latest Tex release
%\usepackage[printwatermark]{xwatermark} % was causing error with latest textlive
% set fonts
\newfontfamily\englishfont[Scale=1.2]{TeX Gyre Termes}
% set languages
% \setotherlanguage{farsi}
% Basic spacing
%\openup 0.5em
% set captions
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{قائمةالجداول }
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{قائمة الاشكال }
\DeclareFloatingEnvironment[fileext=loaf,placement={ht},listname={جدول الملحقات },name=Figure]{appendixfigure}
\DeclareFloatingEnvironment[fileext=loat,placement={ht},listname={جدول الملحقات },name=Table]{appendixtable}
% Fix table captions
% set pagestyle headers and footers
\pagestyle{plain} % remove this to include headers
% Format table of contents
\addtocontents{lot}{\noindent\underline{جدول}\hfill \underline{صفحة}\par}
\addtocontents{lof}{\noindent\underline{أشكال}\hfill \underline{صفحة}\par}
\addtocontents{loat}{\noindent\underline{Table}\hfill \underline{Page}\par}
\addtocontents{loaf}{\noindent\underline{صفحة}\hfill \underline{أشكال}\par}
% ------- Labels chapters correctly
%\titleformat{\chapter}[display] % 2 lines chapter title
% \titleformat{\chapter} % single line chapter title
% {\centering\normalfont\bfseries}{{\LARGE\MakeUppercase{{\chaptertitlename}} \thechapter.}}{1em}{\LARGE\MakeUppercase}
% No chapeter name and number
%========================================= Main document
\title{ رحلة في كوكب افريقيا }
\author{ نجيب معمري }
%\pagenumbering{gobble} %switch off page numbering
%========================================= Title page
رحلة في كوكب افريقيا}
\centering{\Large{ نجيب معمري }}\\
\centering \large{2022}
%========================================= Acknowledgment
%========================================= Introduction
%========================================= Table of content
%========================================= Chapters
% enable this if you want page numeric numbering to start from here
% test chapter to show multi-lingual support