%\title{Template for a Thesis}
% This template was adapted from the University of Birmingham's resources. I, Tamkeen Kiani, have modified it for the MSc UXD course at Birmingham City University (BCU). If you have any suggestions or feedback, please get in touch with me at tamkeen.kiani@mail.bcu.ac.uk. or connect with me on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/tamkeen-kiani/
% book - Default class for a normal book
% extbook - a class for text bigger than 12pt
% Options in detail:
% openany - allows chapter and similar openings to occur on left hand pages
% openright - allows chapter and similar openings to occur on right hand pages
% fleqn - left-alignment of formulas
% leqno - labels formulas on the left-hand side instead of right
% reqno - labels formulas on the right-hand side
% draft - in draft mode the figures are not loaded, useful for speeding up typesetting
% onecolumn or twocolumn
% oneside (default for article and report)
% twoside (default for book)
% table --> to avoid the message: package xcolor has already been loaded ...
% Almost all the settings are defined in packages.sty
% Put a grey textual watermark on document pages (PS mode only)
% Put a grey textual watermark on document pages (PDF mode)
% If you want to change the default DRAFT text
% If you want to change the default grey color of the text
% DOCUMENT: an ordered list of files %
% that you can include or not %
% in your document %
% Title Page %
% The pages inside of frontmatter are in Roman numerals and the chapters will not have numeration
% In order to update the glossary you have to execute:
% \makeindex -s main.ist -t main.alg -o main.acr main.acn
% to insert an item in the document:
% \newglossaryentry{item_label}{name={item}, description={description}}
% if it doesn't appear you have to initialize it:
% \glsadd{item_label}
% or if it is called again in the following text:
% \gls{item_label}
% In order to update the symbols you have to execute:
% makeindex -s main.ist -t main.glg -o main.gls main.glo
% to insert an item in the document::
% \newacronym{item_label}{name={item}, description={description}}
% if it doesn't appear you have to initialize it:
% \glsadd{item_label}
% or if it is called again in the following text:
% \gls{item_label}
% The pages inside of mainmatter are in Arabic numerals and the chapters will have numeration
%\part{If you want parts}
\include{chapter2/Literature Review}
\include{chapter3/Research Methodology}
\include{chapter4/The Results}
% The pages inside of backmatter are in Arabic numerals and the chapters will not have numeration
% All the sources are described in a file named bibliography.bib
% if you want to cite one in the text:
% \citep{label}
% In order to update the bibliography you have to execute:
% bibtex main (without ".tex")
% To add an item in it, write the \index{WORD} after the word to highlight:
% WORD\index{WORD}
% In order to update the Index you have to execute:
% makeindex main (without ".tex")
% A typical session involving a bibliography, an index and so on would require:
% pdflatex main
% makeindex -s main.ist -t main.alg -o main.acr main.acn
% makeindex -s main.ist -t main.glg -o main.gls main.glo
% bibtex main
% pdflatex main
% pdflatex main
% makeindex main
% makeindex -s main.ist -t main.alg -o main.acr main.acn
% makeindex -s main.ist -t main.glg -o main.gls main.glo
% pdflatex main
% pdflatex main