Curtin University PhD thesis template (for astronomy)
Bradley Meyers & Mike Kriele
Last Updated
il y a 6 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A skeleton template for the standard Curtin University PhD thesis in astrophysics.
A skeleton template for the standard Curtin University PhD thesis in astrophysics.
%% This is a skeleton file demonstrating the use of the curtinThesis.cls class file
%% (requires curtinThesis.cls and LaTeX2e format). And can be used as infrastructure
%% to build your thesis.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work is licensed under the conditions of the Creative
%% Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license:
%% <>
%% This work may be remixed, tweaked, and build upon, even
%% commercially, as long as the original Author is credited
%% for the creation of the original work.
%% This code is offered as-is without any warranty either expressed
%% or implied; User assumes all risk.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Usage: (this usage block can be removed after reading)
%% ------
%% Define you thesis title, name, [optional] auxiliary association,
%% graduation date, [optional] quote, [optional] linkcolor,
%% and [optional] cite color under the ``Define Globals Here''
%% section.
%% Adjust, edit, or extend the Chapter files in the chapters folder
%% to match your thesis content accordingly. If one decides to alter
%% file names, change the names in this template file as well.
%% One can select APA, Vancouver, Chicago, or Harvard referencing in the class
%% options using apa, vancouver, chicago, or harvard respectively. For other class
%% options available, please refer to the curtinThesis class or the book class.
%% All functionality in this template is commented, the minimal action
%% required is to follow the above steps and to build the document.
%% Alterations to the template file, other than the global definitions,
%% is not required, but can be done to suit your needs and/or requirements.
%% When changing reference styles, please make sure to clean the auxiliary
%% files to prevent any package clashes.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\usepackage[all]{unitabbrev} %optional package that includes standard unit abbreviations
\usepackage{adsshort} %optional package that includes abbreviations endorsed by the ADS
%% Define Globals Here %%
% define your thesis title, name, [optional: auxiliary association], and graduation date
\thesistitle{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.} %your thesis title
\authorname{John A. Doe} % your name e.g. John A. Doe
\auxassoc{Auxiliary affiliation} % remove, comment, or leave empty if no auxiliary association
\graduationdate{January 2020} % your expected graduation/hand-in date
% [optional: define a quote to appear in thesis - \thesisquote{"the quote"}{"the author"}]
\thesisquote{The Quote}{AUTHOR} % remove, comment, or leave empty when not used
% define your link and citecolor - standard is cyan
\linkcolor{red} % remove, comment, or leave empty if not specifying different color
\citecolor{black} % remove, comment, or leave empty if not specifying different color
% set the metadata of the .pdf file correctly
\setmetadata % make sure the metadata of your pdf file is according to your work.
\createtitlepage % generate a title page
\plagiarismstatement % generate a plagiarism statement
\showthesisquote % if selected, show thesis quote
% include the acknowledgements
% include the abstract
% include the table of contents
\includetoc % neatly adds the table of contents
% include the list of figures
\includelof % neatly adds the list of figures
\arabicnumbering{1} % set pagenumbers to arabic and start at 1 - change number in brackets to change start number
% include chapters - adjust the chapter files in chapters folder - remove or extend where necessary
% start your appendices
\begin{customappendix}{} % add \alphanumbering between brackets if you want to have alphabetic numbered appendices
\bibliography{references} % change 'references' to your .bib file
\ackstatement % statement to acknowledge the effort put into acknowledging the authors