\title{My Presentation} %->->->->-> Check hyperref title <-<-<-<-<-
\subtitle{And Some Things About It}
\author[J. Doe]{John Doe}
Institute of Physics%
University of São Paulo%
} %You can change the Institution if you are from somewhere else
\date{February 31, 2019}
%\logo{\includegraphics[width= 0.2\textwidth]{images/a-logo.png}}
\input{chapters/a-silly-idea.tex} %You can put the frames directly into the presentation, but using the input command and writing them in separate .tex files might be more organized
\section*{Acknowledgments} %You can remove this if you do not want to use it
The author is extremely thankful to Prof. Antônio F. R. T. Piza for the short, yet wonderful, conversations about this seminar.
\section*{References} %You can remove this if you do not want to use it
\nocite{Djairo} \nocite{PhilPanof} \nocite{Fleming} \nocite{Shankar}
\textcolor{orange}{The End}