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% A latex package for the preparation of tenure and promotion dossier.
% M.R. Hadizadeh
% E-mail: mrhadizadeh@gmail.com
% August 2021
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\newcommand*\Author{FIRSTNAME LASTNAME}
\newcommand*\Authorshort{F. LASTNAME,}
\newcommand*\room{Room \#}
\newcommand*\department{Department NAME}
\newcommand*\college{College NAME}
\newcommand*\university{University NAME}
\newcommand*\citystatezip{CITY, STATE, ZIP Code}
\newcommand*\phone{123 456-7890}
\newcommand*\emialaddress{X @ Y.edu}
\newcommand*\newrank{Associate Professor}
\newcommand*\Title{\footnotesize Dossier for Tenure and Promotion to \newrank | \Authorshort}
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