EPB 2022 - Poster Template
Matheus H. Pimenta-Zanon
Last Updated
il y a 2 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for poster presentation -Escola Paranaense de Bioinformática 2022
Template for poster presentation -Escola Paranaense de Bioinformática 2022
\usepackage[brazil]{babel} % ingles / português do Brasil
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\newcommand{\exer}{\noi {\bf Exercício} }
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% Kommando-definisjoner: %
% Ingen side-nummerering
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{1}% % the level
{0mm}% % the indent
{-0.6\baselineskip}% % the beforeskip
{1mm}% % the afterskip
{\Large\color{NTNUBlue}\bfseries}}% % the style
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{1mm}% % the afterskip
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{0mm}% % the indent
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{1mm}% % the afterskip
{\large\color{NTNUBlue}\bfseries}}% % the style
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{0mm}% % the indent
{-0.6\baselineskip}% % the beforeskip
{1mm}% % the afterskip
{\large\color{NTNUBlue}\bfseries}}% % the style
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Cabeçalho %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{textblock}{4}(0,0.3)
% \end{textblock}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Título %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\Huge \sf \vspace{0.1cm} { \textbf{TITULO}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Autores %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\huge{NOME1$^{1*}$, NOME2$^1$\\
Box, G. E. P. \& Tiao, G. C. (1973), \textit{Bayesian inference in statistical analysis}, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass.-London-Don Mills,
Ont. Addison-Wesley Series in Behavioral Science: Quantitative Methods.
Dunson, D. B. \& Herring, A. H. (2005), 'Bayesian latent variable models for mixed discrete outcomes.', \textit{Biostatistics} \textbf{6}(1), 11-25.
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