ESPERANTO Deliverable Template
Anthony Larcher
Last Updated
il y a 3 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for the ESPERANTO H2020 MSCA RISE Project
%%% ESPERANTO Deliverable Template
\usepackage{esperanto} % Esperanto specific definitions and styles
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % UTF8 package
\usepackage{textcomp} % common special chars
\usepackage{amsmath} % math formula
\usepackage{anyfontsize} % fonts
pdftitle={[Title as appears in the DoA]},
pdfauthor={[Names of co-authors (partners short names)]},
pdfkeywords={[List of free keywords relevant to the deliverable]},
\graphicspath{ {graphics/} }
%%% Definitions
% CHANGE %'s below to make subsection headings visible/invisible in TOC
%%% URL style same as regular text
%%% Deliverable Information
% Project Meta Information
\ProjectFullTitle{Exchanges for SPEech ReseArch aNd TechnOlogies}
% Deliverable Number and Title (according to DoA)
\delivName{[Title as appears in the DoA]}
% Deliverable Short Title
\delivShortTile{[Short title for deliverable document]}
% Deliverable Responsible Partner
\delivResponsible{[Responsible partner]}
% Deliverable Version, Contractual and Actual Date, Dissemination Level, Type
\delivDissLevel{PU} % PU, PP, RE, CO
\delivType{[Report, Prototype, Other]}
% List of Main Authors (usually from the responsible partner)
\delivAuthor{[Names of co-authors (partners short names)]}
% List of Co-Authors (all other co-authors should be listed here)
\delivFPAuthor{[Names of co-authors (partners short names)]}
% Provision of Keywords (about 5-10)
\delivKeywords{[List of free keywords relevant to the deliverable]}
% Deliverable Status
\delivStatus{d} %% d = draft, f = final, s = submitted
%%% Change Log
%\istChange{dd/mm/yyyy}{v1.0}{Name (Partner short name)}{Draft report template}
%%% Cover Page
%%% Table of Contents
%%% List of Figures
%%% List of Tables
%%% List of Abbreviations
%%% Deliverable Content
%%% References
%%% Appendix
%%% Back Page