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% Content
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\coverpage{MAT 999: Section \#\#\#}{Semester Year}{Exam 1}
% Instructions
\noindent This exam has \total{problem} problems on \pageref{LastPage} pages. There are no calculators, phones, or other electronic devices allowed during this exam. Be sure to show all your work. \vspace{1cm}
% Name & Score
% Question 1
\problem This is a numbered problem. \vspace{3cm}
% Question 2
\problem This is the second numbered problem. \vfill
% Question 3
\problem Choosing an answer to this questions at random, what is the chance that it will be correct?
\item 25\%
\item 50\%
\item 70\%
\item 25\%
\end{enumerate} \vfill
% Question 4
\problem Solve the Riemann Hypothesis. Be sure to justify each step.
% Question 5
\problem Write an answer to an unasked question in the space below. \pspace
% Question 6
\problem Write an award winning level novel in the space below. \pspace
% Question 7
\problem Choose an option.
\item Here is an option.
\item Here is another.
\item A third choice!
% Question 8
\problem Answer the following parts completely. \vspace{0.5cm}
\item What is Mathematics? \vspace{2cm}
\item Why are we here? \vfill
\item What is the meaning of life? \vfill
% Question 9
% Defines choice options: \roman, \arabic, etc
% \renewcommand*\thechoice{\roman{choice}}
% \renewcommand*\itemlabel{\thechoice)}
\problem What is $2+2=$ ?
\item Martha Washington
\item Mars
\item 17
\item 4
\item $-4$
\item Cannot be determined.
\item None of the above.
\item All of the above.
% Question 10
\problem Draw a graph below.
\tkzInit[xmax=7,ymax=7,xmin= -7,ymin= -7]
% Question 11
\problem Draw a graph below.
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1cm, y=1cm, semitransparent]
\draw[step=1mm, line width=0.1mm, black!30!white] (0,0) grid (15,15);
\draw[step=5mm, line width=0.2mm, black!40!white] (0,0) grid (15,15);
\draw[step=5cm, line width=0.5mm, black!50!white] (0,0) grid (15,15);
\draw[step=1cm, line width=0.3mm, black!90!white] (0,0) grid (15,15);