Integrated Mill Systems Unofficial Beamer Theme
Simon Richard
Last Updated
il y a 4 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is the unofficial beamer theme for Integrated Mill Systems Inc.
This is the unofficial beamer theme for Integrated Mill Systems Inc.
% Welcome! This is the unofficial Integrated Mill Systems Beamer Template.
% This work, "Integrated Mill Systems Beamer Theme", is a derivative
% of "Umeå University Unofficial Beamer Theme" by Jesper Erixon, CC 4.0 BY.
% (
% which is a derivative
% of "University of Udine Unofficial Beamer Theme" by Marco Basaldella, University of Udine, CC 4.0 BY.
% (
% The main functionality and commands are
% all credited to Marco Basaldella (and Till Tantau et al. for creating the beamer document class in
% the first place).
% "Integrated Mill Systems Beamer Theme" is licensed under CC 4.0 by Simon Richard.
% Background photo taked by
% Chris Liverani (
% on Unsplash (
% Note that [usenames,dvipsnames] is MANDATORY due to compatibility
% issues between tikz and xcolor packages.
% Add option 'aspectratio=169' for 16:9 widescreen
% Add option 'handout' to ignore animations
% If you have a smaller amount of text, feel free to also try '11pt'! / Jesper
%%% Bibliography
% Author names in publication list are consistent
% i.e. name1 surname1, name2 surname2
% See
%%% Suppress biblatex annoying warning
\WarningFilter{biblatex}{Patching footnotes failed}
%%% Some useful commands
% pdf-friendly newline in links
\newcommand{\pdfnewline}{\texorpdfstring{\newline}{ }}
% Fill the vertical space in a slide (to put text at the bottom)
\newcommand{\framefill}{\vskip0pt plus 1filll}
%%% Additional packages, added by Jesper Erixon
% Use babel to neatly translate 'abstract' etc. to swedish or other supported language
%%% Enter additional packages below (or above, I can't stop you)! / Jesper
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% YOUR PRESENTATION BELOW %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title[Integrated Mill Systems Beamer Theme]{On The Explosion of Large Death Stars}
\author[Luke Skywalker]{
Luke Skywalker, Ph.D.
\institute{IMS Innovation Group}
\section{Before you start}
\begin{frame}{Overleaf users}
You can ignore this slide if you're \textbf{not} working with Overleaf.
\vskip 0.5cm
Overleaf, Beamer and Biber do not always get along well together. For this reason, if you make a mistake while writing this presentation, in the drop-down error message you'll \textbf{always} get Biber-related error messages.
\vskip 0.5cm
Luckily, you just have to click on ``\texttt{go to first error/warning}'' and the UI will scroll to the line containing your mistake.
You can ignore this slide if you \textbf{are} working with Overleaf.
To compile this deck you'll need the \texttt{biber} package. Probably your \TeX editor already supports it; if not, you will easily find online the instructions to install it.
\vskip 0.5cm
If you're not using an editor, you can compile this presentation using the command line by running:
$ pdflatex main.tex
$ biber main.bcf
$ pdflatex main.tex
$ pdflatex main.tex
For this template we defined two colors:
\item \textcolor{white}{\marker[IMSBlue]{\texttt{IMSBlue}}}
\item \textcolor{white}{\marker[IMSOrange]{\texttt{IMSOrange}}}
\vskip 0.5cm
You can use these colors as you want in your presentation. For example, you can \textbf{\textcolor{IMSOrange}{color the text in orange}} by writing \texttt{\textbackslash textcolor\{IMSOrange\}\{my green text\}}.
\vskip 0.5cm
We also redefined many of the most common \LaTeX{} and Beamer commands, like \texttt{itemize}, \texttt{block}, etc. You will see samples of these commands in the following slides.
\frametitle{This is a page with a title and a subtitle}
\framesubtitle{And also some blocks.}
\begin{block}{Goal of the mission}
Shoot in the Death Star's exhaust port and destroy it before it can fire on the Rebel base.
\begin{alertblock}{Take care!}
TIE Fighters may chase you while approaching the target.
\begin{exampleblock}{Use the force you must}
Remember your training with Obi-Wan, and use the Force to make the perfect shot.
\section{Enumerates, itemizes and description}
\subsection{Enumerates and itemizes}
\begin{frame}{Enumerates and itemizes}
This is an example of \texttt{itemize}.
\item A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
And this is an example of \texttt{enumerate}.
\item Go to the Death Star.
\item Find the exhaust port.
\item Make the perfect shot.
\item Become a hero.
This is an example of \texttt{description}.
\item<2->[Vader] \emph{I am} your father.
\item<1->[Luke] No. No! That's not true! \textbf{That's impossible!}
\vskip 0.5cm
And while we're here, let's have a look to \texttt{verbatim} as well, to see how we made items appear in arbitrary order:
\vskip 0.5cm
\item<2->[This is the first item - appears after] one
\item<1->[This is the second item - appears first] two
A formula will look like this:
$x^2 + y^2 = z^2$
You can number equations as well:
1+1=2 \tag{custom label!}
\vskip 0.5cm
If you want to use the sans serif math fonts, or use a serif font for the main text, just go to \texttt{beamerfontthemeims.sty} and select the indicated font option.
The usual \texttt{theorem}, \texttt{corollary}, \texttt{definition}, \texttt{definitions}, \texttt{fact}, \texttt{example} and \texttt{examples} blocks are available as well.
There exists an infinite set.
This follows from the axiom of infinity.
\begin{example}[Natural Numbers]
The set of natural numbers is infinite.
\section{Other blocks}
\begin{frame}{Other blocks}
Here we display examples of \texttt{abstract}, \texttt{verse}, \texttt{quotation}, and \texttt{quote}.
\vskip 0.5cm
This is an abstract.
This is a verse.
This is a quotation.
\raggedleft -Han Solo
A quote this is.
\raggedleft -Yoda
\section{Bibliography and Publications}
You can cite an article
\item normally using \texttt{\textbackslash cite}, e.g.: (\cite{article1})
\item or display the full citation using \texttt{\textbackslash fullcite}, e.g.: \fullcite{article1} \\\vspace{0.4cm}
\textit{(n.d.) stands for "no date". \texttt{year=\{A long time ago...\}} is not a date that should be specified in \texttt{bibliography} anyway.}
\vskip 0.5cm
Look at the code of the following slide to see how to automatically split the bibliography on many slides. You can also use \texttt{\textbackslash nocite\{*\}} to display the non-cited publications as well.
\nocite{*} % will display the non-cited publications as well. Useful for a publication list.
\section{Bonus Commands}
You can display a frame with a colored background and a huge text in the center using the command \texttt{\textbackslash framecard}.
\vskip 0.5cm
For example, you can write:
\framecard{A SECTION\\TITLE}
This will display a frame with a blue background and the phrase "A SECTION TITLE" in the center. You can also use a custom color with \texttt{\textbackslash framecard}:
\framecard{A SECTION TITLE}
\framecard[IMSOrange]{A SECTION TITLE\\
You can see the results of the commands above in the following slides.
\framecard{A SECTION TITLE}
\framecard[IMSOrange]{A SECTION TITLE\\\vspace{4pt}WITH A CUSTOM COLOR}
You can display a frame with a background image using the command \texttt{\textbackslash framepic}. The image will be \textbf{adapted vertically} to fit the the frame.
For example, you can write:
\textcolor{white}{Luke,\\I am your supervisor}
\vskip 0.5cm
Alternatively, to make the background 50\% transparent, you can write \texttt{\textbackslash framepic[0.5]\{graphics/darth\}...}
You can see the results of the commands above in the following slides.
\textcolor{white}{Luke,\\I am your supervisor}
\vskip 0.5cm
\textcolor{IMSBlue}{\textbf{Right-aligned text with\\Semi-transparent background}}
\frametitle{Other bonus commands}
We provide two other bonus commands:
\item[\texttt{pdfnewline}] you can use \texttt{\textbackslash pdfnewline} to avoid the annoying \texttt{hyperref} related warnings when using newlines in the document's title, author, etc. For example, in this presentation the author is defined as:
\author[Luke Skywalker]{
Luke Skywalker, Ph.D.
\item[\texttt{marker}] you can use \texttt{\textbackslash marker} to highlight some text. The default color is \marker{orange}, but you can also \marker[IMSBlue]{use a custom color}. For example:
\marker{Default color}
\marker[IMSBlue]{Custom Color}
\item[\texttt{framefill}] you can use \texttt{\textbackslash framefill} to put the text at the bottom of a slide by filling all the vertical space.