IUT Final Report
Last Updated
il y a 3 mois
Other (as stated in the work)
I made some minor adjustments to the default template provided by Dr. Izadi to ensure it compiles correctly on Overleaf.
% A template for PhD and MSc thesis. V1.0.
% Please see "guideline.pdf" first.
% Iman Izadi, 1394
% Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IUT
% این قالب بر اساس "شیوهنامه تدوین پایاننامهها و رسالههای
%تحصیلات تکمیلی" دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان تهیه شده است
% All the packages and general definitions are included in this file: preamble.tex
% The first pages (before abstract) are included in this file: firstpages.tex
% The abstract of the paper goes here: abstract.tex
%% تنظیم مناسب صفحه و فونت برای متن اصلی پایاننامه
\settextfont{XB Zar}[
Path = ./,
Extension = .ttf,
BoldFont = XB ZarBd,
ItalicFont = XB ZarIt,
BoldItalicFont = XB ZarBdIt
\setlatintextfont{Times New Roman}\fontsize{11}{6}
% Moving page number to top right
% Main chapters
% Appendices