Linguistics handout template
Jacob Louis Hoover
Last Updated
il y a 3 ans
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
A simple handout template with
- highlighting
- framed boxes with titles
- hyperlinked reference titles
%!TEX program = xelatex
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\newcommand{\cmark}{\ding{51}}% new checkmark
\newcommand{\xmark}{\ding{55}}% new x-mark
\input{tools/jformat.tex} % note: imports hyperref
% warning character
fill=yellow!20,inner sep=0pt,
anchor=text,rectangle,rounded corners=1mm,#1]%
% For putting parens around a subtree
ncbar angle/.initial=90,
to path= (\tikztostart)
-- ($ (\tikztostart)!#1!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ncbar angle}: (\tikztotarget)$)
-- ($ (\tikztotarget)! ($(\tikztostart)!#1!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ncbar angle}: (\tikztotarget)$)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ncbar angle}: (\tikztostart)$)
-- (\tikztotarget)
\tikzset{left brace/.style={ncbar=-0.5mm}}
\tikzset{right brace/.style={ncbar=0.5mm}}
\tikzset{left paren/.style={ncbar=0.5mm,out=-110,in=110}}
\tikzset{right paren/.style={ncbar=0.5mm,out=-70,in=70}}
\input{tools/kast.tex} % for a nice box
\input{tools/gb4e-examples.tex} % import gb4e, tweak
%%%% Author name
\def\FNAME{Jacob L}
\title{Linguistics handout template}
\author{\FNAME\ \LNAME}
\date{Spring 2021}
Lorem ipsum here's a citation \citep{bombar}. \Citet{nymous} says something. \textbf{Note automatic hyperlinks in the references.}
Use \texttt{mdframed} for a simple box.
Here's a description:
\item[Generalization] Yup.
\item[Reported exceptions] A \hlbox{highlighted} thing.
\ex\tree[for tree={l sep=1.5ex, l=1.5ex, inner sep=0}]{%
[VP [V] [DP]]]}
The \texttt{kast} environment gives a box with a title.
\begin{kast}{Proposal for X}
\emph{kast} is Estonian for `box'.
Include a graphic
% NOTE: If you want to put a graphic inside an itemize environment like this, you may want to `clip' it like this:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Here's an item
% %\includegraphics[width=.85\textwidth/2,trim={15mm 0 0 0},clip]{example.png}
% \end{itemize}
\subsection{A subsection}
Here's a tree with some Ti\textit{k}Z annotation.
\ex Another tree\\
[Voice$_\textsc{pass}$P, for tree={s sep=15pt}
[VP, for tree={s sep=15pt}]]
[PP,edge=dashed, tikz={
\node(x) [inner sep=0pt,fit to=tree] {};
\draw[] (x.north west) to [left brace] (x.south west);
\draw[] (x.north east) to [right brace] (x.south east);
[P] [DP\\\textit{agent}]]]}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REFERENCES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\defbibnote{note:complete}{\it See bibliography in \cite{nymous} for further references.}
%\AtNextBibliography{\footnotesize}% For resizing the bibliography
title=Selected References,%
prenote=note:complete% define a bibnote to print before the bibliography
%%%%%%%%%%%%% APPENDIX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{kast}{Good questions}
\item[Jiminy asks] This is a question?