T. Silva
Last Updated
il y a 2 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for abstract submission of the LPAW 23 conference. Based on a template from F. Cruz and F. Del Gaudio for other conferences.
\title{The title of my abstract for the Laser and Plasma Accelerators Workshop 2023}
\underline{First Author}$^{1}$, % Presenting author underlined
Second Author$^{1,2}$,
Third Author$^{1}$
$^1$ Institution 1, City 1, Country 1, \\
$^2$ Institution 2, City 2, Country 2
\email{presenting.author@email.com} % Email of the presenting author
Please write your abstract here. \textbf{Maximum of 1 page}, including authors, institutions, references, and acknowledgments, if necessary. Presenting author should be underlined in the author list. References can be cited the usual way using \LaTeX, i.e., here \cite{ref1}.
If you wish, you can use figures in the abstract. The abstract will be publicly available on our website after acceptance: please let us know if you have any restrictions.
Grant 1, Grant 2.
T. Tajima and J. M. Dawson, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{43}, 267 (1979)