Midsem Dissertation Template
Jayesh Ambulkar
Last Updated
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a template for the Mid-Sem Dissertation held for the masters students in IITs.
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\titlegraphic {
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture, opacity=0.1,]
\node[] at (0, 2.9){
\title{Your project/presentation title}
\author{ \Large \textbf{ Your Name} }
\institute{\large\textbf{Dissertation Mid-Semester}\\
Department of Electrical Engineering\\
Indian Institute of Technology Jammu}
\footnotesize{\date{\today }
\footnotesize \tableofcontents
\item Basic Definitions and introduction to the topic.
\item Why is it necessary, market demand etc.
\section{Literature Review}
\begin{frame}{Literature Review}
\item Tradional Approaches, should study previous paper on the topic.
\section{Research Gap}
\begin{frame}{Research Gap}
\item What are the things lacking the previous approaches that demands for a new approach, basically a comparsion.
\section{Problem Statement}
\begin{frame}{Problem Statement}
\item Your problem statement, what you intent to work on in future.
\section{Work Done}
\begin{frame}{Work Done}
\item Work done till now, any simulation or practical work. Literature review.
\section{Work Plan}
\begin{frame}{Work Plan}
\item Future plan, timeline basically what work you intent to do in what period of time.
\section{Publication and References }
\begin{frame}{Publication and References}
\item Publication on the presented topic if any.
\item References used.