% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% !BIB program = bibtex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
degree = master, % degree = master | doctor
language = english, % language = chinese | english
fontset = template, % fontset = default | template | system | overleaf
watermark = true, % watermark = true | false
doi = true, % doi = true | false
% 封面與口試審定
% Cover and Verification Letter
\makecover % 論文封面(Cover)
\makeverification % 口試委員審定書(Verification Letter)
% 致謝與論文摘要
% Acknowledgement and Abstract
\input{front/acknowledgement} % 致謝(Acknowledgement)
\input{front/abstract} % 摘要(Abstract)
% 生成目錄與符號列表
% Contents of Tables and Denotation
\maketableofcontents % 目錄(Table of Contents)
\makelistoffigures % 圖目錄(List of Figures)
\makelistoftables % 表目錄(List of Tables)
\input{front/denotation} % 符號列表(Denotation)
% 論文內容
% Contents of Thesis
% 參考文獻
% References
% 附錄
% Appendices