Tingwei Wang
Last Updated:
il y a 4 mois
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
--bibtex format, English spelling font, cover fixed

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Document Template
%% Project Name: njustThesis
%% Repository: https://github.com/jiec827/njustThesis
%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% re-written by Jie Cheng <jie.cheng@aliyun.com>
%% Last-modified: 2015-01-05
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the GNU Public License, version 2.
%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%%%*************************Document Class Declaration*******************************
\documentclass{sty/njustThesis}% thesis template of the Nanjing Univ of Sci & Tech
%% Options:
%% [draftinfo] % show draft version information
%%%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%%%**************************Command Define and Settings***************************
\def\@textbottom{\vskip \z@ \@plus 10pt}
\usepackage[njust]{sty/commons}% common settings
\usepackage{sty/custom}% user defined commands
% wtw comment two lines below:
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\usepackage{braket} % for Dirac notation
% WTW2024 修改字体
\setmainfont{Times New Roman} % 常规英文字体
\usepackage{siunitx} % 单位
%\input{tex/macros.tex} % WTW2024 一些变量名或上下标的宏包,如无请注释
%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\let\enspace\empty % this causes the warning for \kern
\let\noindent\empty % this causes the warning for \indent
%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Frontmatter of Title page, Table of contents, Preface chapter.
%% >>> Cover
%% >>> start frontmatter page No.
%% >>> Abstract
%%% >>> List of Content
\tableofcontents% contents catalog
%% list figures and tables sperately
%\listoffigures% figures catalog
%\listoftables% tables catalog
% list figures and tables together
% 王廷伟 硕士论文 注释掉图表目录
% {\centering\printnomenclature}% nomenclature catalog
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{术语表}
%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Main topics.
%%% >>> Main Contents
%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Some subordinate chapters.
%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Matters of Bibliography, Glossary, Index.
%%% >>> Acknowledgements
%%% >>> Bibliography
% WTW2024 编译前开放上一行
%%% >>> Publications
%%% >>> Resume
%%% >>> Resume