% NKUST EC Master Thesis
% Original authors : AIoRLab/NCLab/WNDCLab Thesis LaTeX Team
% Department of Electronic Engineering
% National Kaohsiung University of Sciences and Technology
% GitHub : https://github.com/yuhao-kuo/NKUST-thesis-template
% Version 1.0 (2020.01.31)
12pt, % The default document font size, options: 10pt, 11pt, 12pt
%oneside, % Two side (alternating margins) for binding by default, uncomment to switch to one side
english, % ngerman for German
onehalfspacing, % Single line spacing, alternatives: onehalfspacing or doublespacing
%draft, % Uncomment to enable draft mode (no pictures, no links, overfull hboxes indicated)
%nolistspacing, % If the document is onehalfspacing or doublespacing, uncomment this to set spacing in lists to single
%liststotoc, % Uncomment to add the list of figures/tables/etc to the table of contents
%toctotoc, % Uncomment to add the main table of contents to the table of contents
%parskip, % Uncomment to add space between paragraphs
]{NKUSThesis} % The class file specifying the document structure
% ----- 論文資訊 -----
% ----- 版型設定 -----
% ----- 文件載入設定 -----
\frontmatter % Use roman page numbering style (i, ii, iii, iv...) for the pre-content pages
\pagestyle{plain} % Default to the plain heading style until the thesis style is called for the body content
% 論文編印項目次序
% 編排順序依照學術論文格式規範文件進行排序
% ----- 封面頁 -----
% ----- 書名頁 -----
% ----- 論文相關文件 -----
% 論文內容 由此開始
% 浮水印設定
\setcounter{page}{1} % 摘要為第一頁
% 中英文摘要
% 誌謝 or 序言
% 目錄 / 表目錄 / 圖目錄
% 符號說明
% 論文本文
% 論文本文的tex檔案載入請放置於 Configurations/chapter.tex 中
% 參考文獻
% 附錄
% 論文附錄的tex檔案載入請放置於 Configurations/appendice.tex 中
% 論文內容 結束
% 自傳或簡歷 (可有可無)
% 書背 (此欄為空)
\newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \newpage