NREL AES Workshop - Abstract
Joshua Comden, Guido Cavraro, Ahmed Zamzam
Last Updated
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for abstract submission to the 2023 NREL's Autonomous Energy Systems Workshop.
% Template for 2023 NREL's Autonomous Energy Systems Workshop absrtract; to be used with:
% spconf.sty - Signal Processing Conferences LaTeX style file, and
% IEEEbib.bst - IEEE bibliography style file.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Example definitions.
% --------------------
\def\x{{\mathbf x}}
\def\L{{\cal L}}
% Title.
% ------
\title{ABSTRACT TEMPLATE FOR 2023 Autonomous Energy Systems Workshop}
% Single address.
% ---------------
\name{Author Name\thanks{Author's Email}}
\address{Author Affiliation}
% \begin{abstract}
% \lipsum[3-5]
% \end{abstract}
\section{Introduction and Background}
{\bf References:}
List and number all bibliographical references at the end of the
paper. The references can be numbered in alphabetic order or in
order of appearance in the document. When referring to them in
the text, type the corresponding reference number in square
brackets as shown at the end of this sentence \cite{C2}. An
additional page is allowed, but must contain only references to the prior literature and figures.
% References should be produced using the bibtex program from suitable
% BiBTeX files (here: strings, refs, manuals). The IEEEbib.bst bibliography
% style file from IEEE produces unsorted bibliography list.
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