% November 2016:
% Modified by Uwe Koeckemann and Hadi Banaee (fisrtname.lastname@oru.se)
% - The file neame is changed from "example.tex" to "main.tex",
% - modified to be run in "pdflatex" mode. Changes are applied on lines ???
% Document class
%in old version: %%\documentclass[doc]{oru-thesis}
%What to include (useful if you want to send certain portions for review).
% title,
% abstract,
% acknowledgements,
% contents,
% ch1,
% ch2,
% 0_backmatter
% Packages
%in old version: %%\usepackage{example}
%Other useful packages for thesis
% Macros (new commands)
% Environments
% Title information
\title{Thesis Title}
\author{Author Name}
\printer{Printer Name}