PIET Thesis Template
Last Updated
il y a 4 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for writing thesis of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
A template for writing thesis of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
\author{John Smith}
\title{Design, fabrication, and performance analysis of solar thermal water heater using phase change material}
\faculty{Faculty of Engineering (Mechanical)}
%You can omit the fifth or fourth supervisor or both
\primarysupervisor{Engr. XYZ}
\secondarysupervisor{Asst. Prof. XYZ}
\thirdsupervisor{Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sana Ullah Sahar}
\degreetitle{B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering}
\dean{Den's name}
%% Front matter commands
% If you have no appendices, then comment the line below out. However, if you have appendices then you also need to specify the ToC depth. That is, if you want individual appendices listed in the ToC, then change the value below from none to section. So, the options are HBKUAppendix{none | section} .
% none - will provide a heading, "Appendices" in the ToC
% section - will provide the heading and list the appendices