% template.tex simple cv document file template for playacv v1.0
%%% Remove the "normalphoto" option if you want an image cropped to a circle instead of a square in the header
% \documentclass[10pt,a4paper,withhyper]{playacv} % or add document options, e.g. withhyper for hidden urls
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, normalphoto, withhyper, ragged2e]{playacv}
% your additional packages
% Application settings begin here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% it is recommended to copy and re-use the whole content of this file to compile a new application
%%% your/recipient corporate identity touch #0
\definecolor{RuleColor}{HTML}{2A2A84} % changes lines under chapter titles
\definecolor{SymbolColor}{HTML}{ee7711} % changes symbols and rated skills colour
\definecolor{HighlightColor}{HTML}{2A2A84} % changes highlights text colour
% default cv data
% letter and pages options
\newcommand{\OnePager}{9} % set to 1 to use your one page cv layout, defined below at the end of the settings
% change the letter page layout if you need to
% optional pages (9,9,9 = print only CV) #(1)
\renewcommand{\OnlyCoverLetter}{9} % set to 1 to print only letter to PDF
\renewcommand{\WithCoverLetter}{1} % set to 1 to print letter + CV to PDF
\renewcommand{\WithAppendix}{1} % set to 1 to print appendix pages to PDF
%%% user specific content settings
\newcommand{\PhD}{9} % example settings defined below for changing to academia applications e.g. education on top
%%% recipient information (only needed with cover letter)
\renewcommand{\RecipientName}{Joe Hiring} % name (e.g. "Sabrina Hiring")
\renewcommand{\Company}{Microsoft Corporation} % company (e.g. "Microsoft Corporation")
\renewcommand{\CompanyStreet}{1 Microsoft Way} % company's street address (e.g. "1 Microsoft Way")
\renewcommand{\CompanyCity}{Redmond} % company's city (e.g. "Redmond")
\renewcommand{\CompanyState}{WA} % company's state prefix (e.g. "WA")
\renewcommand{\CompanyZip}{98052} % company's zip code (e.g. "98052")
%% cover letter settings
\renewcommand{\HeaderWatermark}{1} % set to 1 to include watermark
\renewcommand{\Subject}{Application for dream job 12345} % company (e.g. "Microsoft Corporation")
{With \textsl{PlayaCV} you can change the layout and looks of your applications easily, with options to include a cover letter and/or a résumé (and annexes). See \textsl{\bfseries README.md}.\\
Set up your own design intuitively for the cover letter and/or cv pages layouts, including options for personalised headers, footers, fonts, symbols and colours.\\
Add any cv elements in the cover letter too, if you like. Here on the right you can see an example: a combination of a coloured \textsl{\bfseries cvbox} containing some text, some \textsl{\bfseries cvskill}s and some \textsl{\bfseries cvtag}s, with some \textcolor{HighlightColor}{\bfseries highlights}}
\cvbox[flush left] % cvbox text alignment
{\textbf{Matching skills:}\\
\cvskill{I can do this\\}{5}
\cvskill[1]{My passion\\}{4}
\cvtag{This soft skill {\color{green}\faCheck}}\\
\cvtag[1]{For you {\color{HighlightColor}\faGift}}\\
\cvtag{Teamwork {\color{SymbolColor}\faUsers}}\\
} % cvbox text
{black} % cvbox text colour
{LightGrey!5} % cvbox fill colour
{.99} % cvbox width in 0..1 \linewidth
\item this \textsl{\bfseries template.tex} is provided as a starting point for setting up your own applications. Just copy, paste and enjoy!
\item input your default data in \textsl{\bfseries cv.tex}. A set of résumé elements is available for editing and inclusion at you discretion
\item once set up, just change a few lines in \textsl{\bfseries your.tex} file to compile a taylored application for your desired position
% letter \PhD settings example for academia applications
%%% CV layout and content settings
%%% #1: layout, header, hooter, chapter selection and order #1
%%% Change text under name for this application
\renewcommand{\aHeaderQuote}{My first Résumé with \LaTeX{} PlayaCV}
% change the cv page layout if you need to
% header and footer options
%%% choose what to include and in which order, comment out chapters only if you are sure you'll never use them
% chapters to be displayed on the left side, from top to bottom
% you can force a page break within a column with \newpage
% chapters to be displayed on the right side, from top to bottom
% Chapters content settings: create your own and include content as you need for this application. #2
%%% It is suggested to add entries you wish to change often here.
%%% Do that by copying the settings defined with \newcommand{cvSetting}... in cv.tex
%%% and pasting them here. Using \renewcommand they will be overwritten with your new values.
%%% Also, you can combine it with a \MySetting = 1 to print custom content to the cv only if needed, using
%%% \newcommand{\MySetting}{1} % before e.g. a shorter new text for your summary in the Summary chapter, with
%%% \cvsetting{\MySetting}{
%%% \renewcommand{\aSummary}{My shorter summary text}
%%% }
%%% chapters for this application, in cv.tex only Experience, Education, Skills and Languages are active by default
%%% personal information for this position
%%% languages for this position
%%% skills for this position
%%% soft skills for this position, with a 4:6 column ratio max total of ca. 30 char per line
\renewcommand{\aSoftSkillOne}{33 characters, }
\renewcommand{\aSoftSkillTwo}{27 numbers}
\renewcommand{\aSoftSkillThree}{max here}
%%% experiences contents changes
\renewcommand{\eExperienceItemsOne}{\cvitems[\fExperienceOne] % highlight option 1..5 or 9
{My main responsibilities} % items {1}..{5}
{Impressive (highlight below with setting fExperienceOne = 3)}
{Another impressive achievement with metrics}{}{}
%{backup item}
%{Backup item}
%Backup description
{Training of employees}
{Concise and relevant task description}
% soft skills and hobbies support a maximum of fifteen elements
\renewcommand{\HobbyFour}{9} % set to 1 to get Cooking
\renewcommand{\HobbyFifteen}{1} % set to 9 to stop printing Cats
% highlights or other changes for this position, copy paste from cv.tex
%%% Every last \renewcommand{\CvSetting}{SettingValue} will overwrite the previous setting
%%% highlights
% user defined settings (for setups you want to reuse above at the top of the settings)
% cv \PhD settings for academia application (example)
% choose chapters to be displayed on the right side, from top to bottom
% setting to shrink cv to one page
% Choose chapters to be displayed on the right side, from top to bottom
% shorten chapters for one pager cv
\renewcommand{\ExperienceThree}{9} % do not show experience #3
\cvitems{Only one item}{}{}{}{} }
\renewcommand{\eSocialItemOne}{9} % no item part for the volunteering #1
\renewcommand{\eSocialTwo}{} % empty description for volunteering #2
% End of application settings here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% cv body start
% left/right column width ratio, 0.5 = centred
% start a 2-column paracol. Both the left and right columns will automatically
% break across pages if things get too long.
%%% you might want to adjust the vertical alignment of the top of the left column here
% switch to the right column
%%% you might want to adjust the vertical alignment of the top of the right column here
%% cv body end
% change the appendix page layout here if you need to
% input appendix