Project Canvas
Michael Thurm
Last Updated
il y a 8 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Simple project canvas. In order to use it, fill the empty custom nodes in the lower part of the template.
Simple project canvas. In order to use it, fill the empty custom nodes in the lower part of the template.
\title{Project Canvas}
% Colours
% Styles
\tikzstyle{smallblock} = [execute at begin node=\setlength{\baselineskip}{2.5em}, text width=38em, node distance=.5em, minimum width= 40em, minimum height=10em, text depth=8em, text height=2.5em]
\tikzstyle{block} = [execute at begin node=\setlength{\baselineskip}{2.5em}, text width=38em, node distance=.5em, minimum width= 40em, minimum height=14em, text depth=12em, text height=2.5em]
\tikzstyle{bigblock} = [execute at begin node=\setlength{\baselineskip}{2.5em}, text width=38em, node distance=.5em, minimum width= 40em, minimum height=20em, text depth=17em, text height=2.5em]
\tikzstyle{megablock} = [execute at begin node=\setlength{\baselineskip}{3em}, text width=78em, node distance=.5em, minimum width= 80.5em, minimum height=34.5em, text depth=32.25em,text height=3em]
% Definitions
\newcommand\client[1]{\node[smallblock,fill=top,text=white,] (client) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Client:} \normalsize name, legal form, location \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\project[1]{\node[smallblock,right= of client,fill=top,text=white,] (project) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Project:} \normalsize \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\manager[1]{\node[smallblock,right= of project,fill=top,text=white,] (manager) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Project Manager:} \normalsize \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\why[1]{\node[block,below= of client,fill=second] (why) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Why?} \normalsize purpose of the project \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\what[1]{\node[block,right= of why,fill=second] (what) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{What?} \normalsize project scope \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\success[1]{\node[block,right= of what,fill=second] (success) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Success Criteria} \normalsize specific and measurable \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\outcome[1]{\node[bigblock,below= of success] (outcome) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Outcome} \normalsize attractive, realistic, time-bound \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\risks[1]{\node[block,below= of outcome,fill=risk] (risks) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Risks} \normalsize \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\ressources[1]{\node[block,left= of constraints,fill=bottom] (ressources) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Ressources} \normalsize project staff, infrastructure, tools, time \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\constraints[1]{\node[block,left= of stake,fill=bottom] (constraints) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Constraints} \normalsize project duration, expenditure of time, budget, ... \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\stake[1]{\node[block,below= of risks,fill=bottom] (stake) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Stakeholders} \normalsize colleagues, client contacts, third parties \\[1em]\huge #1};}
\newcommand\content[1]{\node[megablock,below= of why.south east, xshift=.25em] (content) {\raggedright\Huge \textbf{Main Project Content/Actions:}\\[1em]\huge #1};}
% Basic informationen
% Project information
% Project context
% Project content