Recitation 'Syllabus' Template
Caleb McWhorter
Last Updated
il y a 5 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for creating a recitation syllabus. The respect policy was contributed by Erin Griffin.
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% Packages
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amsmath, % Math Fonts
enumerate, % Enumerate Labeling
graphicx, % Include Images
hyperref, % Internal Pointers
lastpage, % Reference Lastpage
multicol, % Use Multicolumn
multirow, % Use Multirow
titling % Title Spacing
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% Hyperref
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colorlinks = true,
linkcolor = blue,
urlcolor = blue
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% Font
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% Commands
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% Course Information
% -------------------
% Simply fill in the information to fit the current course.
% Instructor
\newcommand{\instructor}{Hazel Wasserface}
% Instructor Office
\newcommand{\office}{Carnegie Room}
% Instructor Number
% Course Subject Abbreviation
\newcommand{\coursecode}{MAT \#}
% Course Title
\newcommand{\coursetitle}{Course Title}
% Semester
\newcommand{\semester}{Semester Year}
% Office Hours
\newcommand{\officehours}{T 12:00--12:00; W 5:00--5:00}
% Classroom
\newcommand{\classroom}{Carnegie Room}
% Classtime
% Supervisor
\newcommand{\supervisor}{Professor S. Visor}
% Supervisor Office
\newcommand{\soffice}{Carnegie Room}
% Supervisor Phone
\newcommand{\sphone}{Phone \#}
% Supervisor Email
% -------------------
% Header & Footer
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\fancyfoot[R]{\thepage \,of \pageref*{LastPage}}
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% Title
% -------------------
\title{\Large\bfseries \coursecode: \coursetitle \\[0.1cm] \semester}
% -------------------
% Content
% -------------------
% Introduction
\lefthead{T.A. Information}{0.3cm}
\indent \emph{Name:} \instructor \\
\indent \emph{Office:} \office \\
\indent \emph{Email:} \email \\
\indent \emph{Office Hours:} \officehours \\[0.3cm]
% Class Information
\lefthead{Class Information}{0.3cm}
\indent \emph{Time:} \classtime \\
\indent \emph{Classroom:} \classroom \\[0.3cm]
\noindent Additional individual meetings to discuss course material or any other concerns can be scheduled by contacting me via email, after class, or during office hours. On occasion if I am on campus with free time available, I will post where I can be located along with the times I will be there on my `Office Hours' tab on my webpage. \pspace
% Expectations
\lefthead{Recitation Expectations}{0.3cm}
\noindent While course material will be covered during lecture hours, your opportunity to ask questions in a smaller group setting occurs during recitations. The beginning of recitation will typically be open to questions anyone has from the lecture hour, textbook, or homeworks followed by discussion or group problems to practice course concepts. Weekly course quizzes occur during the recitation hour, typically at the end of class so your attendance of recitations is essential. While homework is not collected during the course, your doing the problems allows you to ask questions during recitation about any difficulties you may have had in completing the problems. Finally consistent with the class syllabus, cell phones and other electronic devices (with the exception of `standard' calculators) will not be permitted during recitations. \pspace
% Respect
\lefthead{Respect Policy}{0.3cm}
\noindent I respect your time:
\item I will come prepared to help you understand the course material and prepare you for quizzes/exams.
\item Communication is key: I cannot help you if I do not know what is going on.
\item I am here to help you, this is your time, so let me know what I can do to help you succeed.
\item If there is something that you would like me to do differently, please, let me know. I am happy to work with you to make class the best it can be.
\noindent Respect my time:
\item Be on time to class.
\item Pay attention when I am talking to you.
\item Come to class prepared by doing the work and going to office hours when you need help.
\noindent Respect each other:
\item Do not be disruptive. If you need to take a call or text someone, take it outside.
\item Work with each other to find solutions. You learn more by helping each other.
\item Allow one another to make mistakes. This is an important part of the learning process.
\item Use respectful language when talking with one another.