RenderCV EngineeringResumes Theme
Sina Atalay
Last Updated
il y a 2 mois
Other (as stated in the work)
A CV/resume theme.
\documentclass[10pt, letterpaper]{article}
% Packages:
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pdftitle={John Doe's CV},
pdfauthor={John Doe},
pdfcreator={LaTeX with RenderCV},
]{hyperref} % for links, metadata and bookmarks
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\small\color{gray}\textit{Last updated in July 2024}\hspace{\widthof{Last updated in July 2024}}
% save the original href command in a new command:
% new command for external links:
\fontsize{25 pt}{25 pt}\selectfont John Doe
\vspace{5 pt}
\mbox{Your Location}%
\kern 5.0 pt%
\kern 5.0 pt%
\kern 5.0 pt%
\kern 5.0 pt%
\mbox{\hrefWithoutArrow{tel:+90-541-999-99-99}{+90 541 999 99 99}}%
\kern 5.0 pt%
\kern 5.0 pt%
\kern 5.0 pt%
\kern 5.0 pt%
\kern 5.0 pt%
\kern 5.0 pt%
\vspace{5 pt - 0.3 cm}
\section{Welcome To RenderCV!}
\href{}{RenderCV} is a LaTeX-based CV/resume framework. It allows you to create a high-quality CV or resume as a PDF file from a YAML file, with \textbf{full Markdown syntax support} and \textbf{complete control over the LaTeX code}.
\vspace{0.2 cm}
The boilerplate content is taken from \href{}{here}, where a \textit{clean and tidy CV} pattern is proposed by \textbf{\href{}{Gayle Laakmann McDowell}}.
\section{Quick Guide}
\item Each section title is arbitrary, and each section contains a list of entries.
\item There are 7 unique entry types: \textit{BulletEntry}, \textit{TextEntry}, \textit{EducationEntry}, \textit{ExperienceEntry}, \textit{NormalEntry}, \textit{PublicationEntry}, and \textit{OneLineEntry}.
\item Select a section title, pick an entry type, and start writing your section!
\item \href{}{Here}, you can find a comprehensive user guide for RenderCV.
Sept 2000 – May 2005
\textbf{University of Pennsylvania}, BS in Computer Science\end{twocolentry}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\item GPA: 3.9/4.0 (\href{}{Transcript})
\item \textbf{Coursework:} Computer Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Comparison of Learning Algorithms, Computational Theory
June 2005 – Aug 2007
\textbf{Software Engineer}, Apple -- Cupertino, CA\end{twocolentry}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\item Reduced time to render the user's buddy list by 75\% by implementing a prediction algorithm
\item Implemented iChat integration with OS X Spotlight Search by creating a tool to extract metadata from saved chat transcripts and provide metadata to a system-wide search database
\item Redesigned chat file format and implemented backward compatibility for search
\vspace{0.2 cm}
Sept 2003 – Apr 2005
\textbf{Lead Student Ambassador}, Microsoft -- Redmond, WA\end{twocolentry}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\item Promoted to Lead Student Ambassador in the Fall of 2004, supervised 10-15 Student Ambassadors
\item Created and taught a computer science course, CSE 099: Software Design and Development
\vspace{0.2 cm}
Oct 2001 – May 2003
\textbf{Head Teaching Assistant}, University of Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia, PA\end{twocolentry}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\item Implemented a user interface for the VS open file switcher (ctrl-tab) and extended it to tool windows
\item Created a service to provide gradient across VS and VS add-ins, optimized its performance via caching
\item Programmer Productivity Research Center (Summers 2001, 2002)
\item Built an app to compute the similarity of all methods in a code base, reducing the time from $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ to $\mathcal{O}(n \log n)$
\item Created a test case generation tool that creates random XML docs from XML Schema
\vspace{0.2 cm}
June 2003 – Aug 2003
\textbf{Software Engineer, Intern}, Microsoft -- Redmond, WA\end{twocolentry}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\item Automated the extraction and processing of large datasets from legacy systems using SQL and Perl scripts
Jan 2004
\textbf{Magneto-Thermal Thin Shell Approximation for 3D Finite Element Analysis of No-Insulation Coils}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\mbox{Albert Smith}, \mbox{\textbf{\textit{John Doe}}}, \mbox{Jane Derry}, \mbox{Harry Tom}, \mbox{Frodo Baggins}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\textbf{Multi-User Drawing Tool}\end{twocolentry}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\item Developed an electronic classroom where multiple users can view and simultaneously draw on a "chalkboard" with each person's edits synchronized
\item Tools Used: C++, MFC
\vspace{0.2 cm}
\textbf{Synchronized Calendar}\end{twocolentry}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\item Developed a desktop calendar with globally shared and synchronized calendars, allowing users to schedule meetings with other users
\item Tools Used: C\#, .NET, SQL, XML
\vspace{0.2 cm}
\textbf{Operating System}\end{twocolentry}
\vspace{0.10 cm}
\item Developed a UNIX-style OS with a scheduler, file system, text editor, and calculator
\item Tools Used: C
\section{Additional Experience And Awards}
\textbf{Instructor (2003-2005):} Taught 2 full-credit computer science courses
\vspace{0.2 cm}
\textbf{Third Prize, Senior Design Project:} Awarded 3rd prize for a synchronized calendar project out of 100 entries
\textbf{Languages:} C++, C, Java, Objective-C, C\#, SQL, JavaScript
\vspace{0.2 cm}
\textbf{Software:} .NET, Microsoft SQL Server, XCode, Interface Builder