Thien Tran Duy's CV
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Thien Tran Duy's CV

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Thien Tran Duy's CV
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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22/10-Tan Lap,Dong Hoa,Di An, Binh Duong {\large\textperiodcentered} Country Viet Nam\\ % Your mailing address
{\Large\Letter}\slshape fcduythien@gmail.com\ {\Large\Telefon} (+84)1688397026% Your email address and phone number
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A position in the field of computers with special interests in business applications \\ Programming, Web Developer, and management systems Linux.
\section{Work Experience}
%\gray Period & \textbf{March 2012 --- Present}\\
%\gray Employer & \textbf{Layer BV} \hfill Amsterdam, The Netherlands\\
%\gray Job Title & \textbf{J2EE Analyst programmer}\\
%\gray Languages & \textbf{J2EE}\\
Over the last 3 years, I have developed a wide range of websites using PHP and Mysql including sites for startup companies I'm a currently collaborators of website \href{http://sitepoint.co}{Sitepoint}. I use framework PHP Phalcon very good, also have some experience with Drupal, Zephir, Linux Professional such as Docker, Chef.
\gray Period & \textbf{September 2008--- March 2014}\\
%\gray Degree & \textbf{Master of Science in Computer Science}\\
%\gray Rank & \textbf{First Class Honours}\\
\gray Faculty & \textbf{Physics and Engineering Physics }\\
\gray University & \textbf{The University of Science} \hfill Ho Chi Minh City, VN\\
%& Extra information about degree
\begin{tabular}{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{6ex}} l }
Languages & PHP, Html, Css, Drupal, jQuery, PhalconPHP Framework \\
%Protocols \& APIs & XML, JSON, SOAP, REST \\
Databases & MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, InfluxDB \\
Tools & Github, Vim, Sublime Text, Vagrant, Docker, Paypal API \\
Testing & TDD,BDD such as Codeception, Behat and PHPUnit \\
Other & LAMP, LEMP, Composer, Optimization, Bootstrap
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A Q\&A and Blogging PHP platform & http://phanbook.com \\
See more & https://github.com/duythien/portfolio
%\section{Working Company}
%\begin{tabular}{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{6ex}} l }
%Hong Tam Working with Joomla & 05/2012 - 02/2014\\
%Go1(http://go1.com.au) Working with Drupal & 03/2014 - 12/2015 \\
%Evolable Asia(http://evolable.asia/) with FuelPHP, PhalconPHP & 03/2015 - 12/2015