K.P. Hart
Last Updated
il y a 4 ans
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
T.U. Delft dissertation
T.U. Delft dissertation
%% Specify the title and author of the thesis. This information will be used on
%% the title page (in title/title.tex) and in the metadata of the final PDF.
\title[Optional Subtitle]{Title}
%% Use Roman numerals for the page numbers of the title pages and table of
%% contents.
%% The (optional) dedication can be used to thank someone or display a
%% significant quotation.
\dedication{\epigraph{Science is a wonderful thing \\ if one does not have to earn one's living at it.}{Albert Einstein}}
%% Use Arabic numerals for the page numbers of the chapters.
%% Turn on thumb indices.
%% Use letters for the chapter numbers of the appendices.
%% Turn off thumb indices for unnumbered chapters.