% Adaptation of the Thesis Template bei Philip Döbler shared under CC-BY 3.0
% Ergänzungen von:
% Till Tantau (teilweise entfernt)
% André Calero Valdez
% Tim Schrills
% Note for Overleaf free users:
% If your file does not compile, you can deactivate syntax checks in the Recompile menu above the PDF. This saves compile time.
paper = a4,
fontsize = 12pt,
headinclude = true,
% start chapters on the right side
open = right,
% Use twosided layout? Every chapter starts on the right side, therefore sometimes blank pages are added between chapters.
twoside = false,
BCOR = 10mm,
% add lists and bibliography to table of contents
toc = listofnumbered,
toc = bibnumbered,
% enumerate chapters as x.y instead of x.y.
numbers = noendperiod
% use some additional package, add your own below if required
% package for code listings
% package providing colors (e.g. for syntax highlighting in listings)
% package for german language, change to english if required
% package to set the line spacing
% package for hyperlinks (e.g., in the table of contents) and set links to same style as text
% package to create acronyms
% package for pseudocode
\usepackage[german, algochapter, linesnumbered]{algorithm2e}
% package to create diagrams
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
%%% additions by ACV
% Citations using APA style with biblatex
% Biblatex allows multiple bib-files
% Tables using APA Style
% use microkerning for improved typesetting
% include acronyms
% avoid bold caption for algorithms to be consistent with other captions
% definitions for syntax highlighting in listings environment
% define custom colors for syntax highlighting in code listings
\definecolor{lst_comments}{rgb}{0, 0.75, 0}
\definecolor{lst_linenumbers}{rgb}{0.2, 0.2, 0.2}
\definecolor{lst_keywords}{rgb}{0, 0, 0.75}
\definecolor{lst_strings}{rgb}{0.75, 0, 0}
\definecolor{lst_background}{rgb}{0.97, 0.97, 0.97}
% define style for listings
% style of the line numbers on the left side
% use monospace font for code and set size to the size of footnotes
% break long lines, if this happens it might be better to manually add a line break at an appropriate place
breaklines = true,
% place caption below the listing
captionpos = b,
% don't drop spaces to fix alignment and always convert tabs to spaces
keepspaces = true,
% place line numbers on the left side
numbers = left,
% distance between line numbers and listing
numbersep = 7pt,
% don't show special characters for spaces
showspaces = false,
% don't show special characters for spaces in strings
showstringspaces = false,
% don't show special characters for tabs
showtabs = false,
% set size of tab to 4 spaces
tabsize = 4
% set style for the document
% set line spacing to 1.5
% use roman numbering for preamble
% add title page and abstract
% print table of contents
% use arabic numbering for main part
% Deutsche Paragrapheinzüge auf 0 und Parskip auf 10 pt
% Für englische Text auskommentieren
% create a tex file for each chapter and include it below
% Inhalt der Arbeit
% diese Zeilen auskommentieren, um das Tutorial aus der Arbeit auszublenden.
% add bibliography
% Die Kategorien können hier angepasst werden.
% create a tex file for each appendix and include it below
% add lists of figures, tables and listings to the appendix
% add acronyms
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype, title=Abkürzungsverzeichnis, toctitle=Abkürzungsverzeichnis, numberedsection]