% documentclass options:
% ngerman is needed for hyphenation if the thesis contains parts written in German
% BCOR is binding correction
% if you'd rather have a one sided thesis, add `onside' to the documentclass
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, BCOR=10mm, english, ngerman]{scrbook}
% include all packages and define commands in setup.tex
\pagestyle{empty} % no header and no page number
% disable hyper links to remove warning "destination with same identifier"
% this means within this section nothing can be referenced with a hyperlink
\pagestyle{plain} % remove chapter name from top, page number at the bottom
\frontmatter % roman page numbers
\hypersetup{pageanchor=true} % re-enable hyperlinking
\mainmatter % Arabic page numbers
% bibliography is not in the table of contents per default, add it manually