% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
%% uothesis-memoir v.2.2` (Sep 13, 2024)
%% Note: TexLive 2022 is required. I did not check the compatibility with MikTeX (Apr 2, 2023) -> In fact MikTeX is also compatible (checked).
\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper, oneside]{memoir} % For these and other possible options, see the memoir manual. For example, 'oneside' is for single-sided document and 'twoside' is for double-sided document.
%% According to the style manual, 10pt is minimum, but no specifications on two-sided option and paper size.
%% Load packages and other preamble part.
%% For the information of your thesis/dissertation
\settitle{Dissertation Title Here} % Title: It must be in Title Case.
\setauthor{Unknown N. Author} % Your full name here
\setdoctype{Dissertation} % Thesis/dissertation
\setdegree{Doctor of Philosophy} % Your *official* degree name
\setgradyear{2024} % Graduation year
\setgradterm{Fall} % Graduation term
%\setgradmonth{December} % Graduation month
\setdept{Department of Mathematics} % Your *official* department name
\setmajor{Mathematics} % Your *official* major name
%% Beginning the document.
% Do NOT use \frontmatter and \mainmatter divisions for the correct pagination.
% Load TeX file for prepatory pages
%% Main texts and appendices
%% For this part use \include instead of \input
% Main
% Appendices
\include{Text-tex/appendix-single} % for single appendix chapter
%\include{Text-tex/appendix-multiple} % for multiple appendix chapters
%% For endnotes, you can use \makepagenote and \printpagenotes; see the memoir manual.
%% References using BibLaTeX
\begin{SingleSpace} % for single spacing in each entry
% for Rerences Cited section
\printbibliography[title={REFERENCES CITED}, category=cited]
% for Bibliography section
%% Ending document