UT Austin Dissertation Template
Venkat, Evan Ott
Last Updated
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
LaTeX template to be used for submission of Ph.D dissertations at UT Austin
LaTeX template to be used for submission of Ph.D dissertations at UT Austin
%% dissertation.tex, to be compiled with pdfLaTeX. %
%% 19 January 2023 Version 5 %
%% Writing a Doctoral Dissertation with LaTeX at %
%% the University of Texas at Austin %
%% (Modify this template for your own dissertation.) %
\documentclass[letterpaper,12pt]{report} % The documentclass must be ``report''.
% Includes the utformat.sty file, but also additional packages and some commands.
% See `structural/preamble.tex`.
% Important! Need to update the information in `structural/about.tex`!
% Please update your degree and degree abbreviation here, if needed.
% \degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
% See the Catalog for the current list.
% catalog.utexas.edu/graduate/graduate-study/graduate-degrees/
% Uncomment ONLY the line below that corresponds to the type of document you are writing.
% \masterthesis
% \masterreport
\dissertation % the default if none of the options are set
% \treatise
% See `structural/body.tex` for updating/adding/removing content.