UTD JSOM Beamer Template
Atanu Lahiri, Debapratim Ghosh
Last Updated
il y a 2 mois
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for presenting research papers with the UTD JSOM theme
%\documentclass[Serif, 10pt, brown, handout]{beamer} % Disable overlays for handout format
%\documentclass[Serif, 10pt, brown, handout, notes]{beamer} % Disable overlays for handout format and print notes
\documentclass[Serif, 10pt, brown]{beamer}
\bibpunct[, ]{(}{)}{,}{a}{}{,}%
\def\newblock{\ }%
% Logo
% Setup
\usetheme[right,currentsection, hideothersubsections]{UTD}
\useoutertheme{sidebar} \useinnertheme[shadow]{rounded}
\usecolortheme{whale} \usecolortheme{orchid}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}{\centerline{Slide \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber}}
% Title
\usebeamercolor[fg]{author in sidebar}
\title[{Paper Short Title}]{\sc Paper Full Title}
\author[\ul{Authors}]{{\bf Authors}\\ \scriptsize{(Joint work with {\bf Authors})}}
\institute[UTD]{\sc\small University of Texas at Dallas\\ \sf \small Naveen Jindal School of Management}
\date[UCI]{Presented at University of Dallas \\ Date 2024}
\item Here's the overall structure of my talk today.
% Introduction
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{use=structure,bg=white}
\begin{alertblock}{Alert Block}
Some Text Here
\begin{exampleblock} {Example Block}
Some Text Here
\begin{block}{ Block}
Some Text Here
\item Paper 1 ~\citep{Corbett18,Kochling20,Silva19}
\item Paper2~\citep{Cowgill20}
\item Paper3~\citep{Lambrecht19}
\item Legal restrictions create an uneven burden on advertisers and platforms~\citep{Yuan23}
\item Paper3~\citep{Fu22}
\begin{exampleblock}{We explain why...}
Some Text Here
\section[Model Prelim.]{Model Preliminaries}
Some Text Here
\frametitle{Some Results}
\section[Potential Future Extensions]{Potential Future Extensions}
\frametitle{Once Again...}
\begin{block}{Really appreciate your comments}
\begin{center} \alert{\Huge\bf THANK YOU!} \end{center}