\documentclass[german,master,buw]{webisthesis} % Weimar
% \documentclass[german,bachelor,fsu]{webisthesis} % Jena
% \documentclass[german,bachelor,ul]{webisthesis} % Leipzig
% \documentclass[german,master,buw,web]{webisthesis} % Weimar, for web page
% \documentclass[german,bachelor,fsu,web]{webisthesis} % Jena, for web page
% \documentclass[german,bachelor,ul,web]{webisthesis} % Leipzig, for web page
% Non-default programme
% ---------------------
% \documentclass[english,master,buw]{webisthesis}\global\thesisprogramme{Human-Computer Interaction}
% \documentclass[english,master,buw]{webisthesis}\global\thesisfrontpagefaculty{Faculty of Civil Engineering/Faculty of Media}\global\thesisprogramme{Digital Engineering}
% \documentclass[german,bachelor,buw]{webisthesis}\global\thesisprogramme{Informatik\\Schwerpunkt Medieninformatik}
% \documentclass[german,bachelor,buw]{webisthesis}\global\thesisprogramme{Informatik\\Schwerpunkt Security and Data Science}
% When you change the language, pdflatex may halt on recompilation.
% Just hit enter to continue and recompile again. This should fix it.
% Values
% ------
\ThesisSetTitle{The Title of the Thesis}
\ThesisSetKeywords{These, are, my, Keywords} % only for PDF meta attributes
\ThesisSetLocation{Where I Live}
\ThesisSetAuthor{FirstName LastName}
% Supervisors should usually be Professors from the candidate's university. A second supervisor is not always needed.
\ThesisSetSupervisors{Prof.\ Dr.\ Unkown Yet,Prof.\ Dr.\ Also Unknown}
% Suggested Packages
% ------------------
% Allows citing in different ways (e.g., only the authors if you use the
% citation again within a short time).
% For tables ``looking the right way''.
% \usepackage{tabularx}
% Enables tables with columns that automatically fill the page width.
% \usepackage[ruled,algochapter]{algorithm2e}
% A package for pseudo code algorithms.
% \usepackage{amsmath}
% For tabular-style formatting of mathematical environments.
% For lots of awesome glyphs: https://mirror.physik.tu-berlin.de/pub/CTAN/fonts/fontawesome/doc/fontawesome.pdf
% Commenting (by your supervisor)
% -------------------------------
% #1 Original text.
% #2 Replacement text.
% Create links in the pdf document
% Hyperref has some incompatibilities with other packages
% Some other packages must be loaded before, some after hyperref
% Additional options to the hyperref package can be provided in the braces [], like in
% \usehyperref[backref] % This will add back references in the bibliography that some people like ... some don't ... so better ask your supervisor ;-)
This is the \LaTeX{} template for Bachelor and Master theses at Webis. This template contains several hints and conventions on how to structure a thesis, how to cite the work of others, and how to display your results besides plain text.
% \chapter*{Acknowledgements} % optional
% I thank the authors of the webisthesis template for their excellent work!
% \listoffigures % optional, usually not needed
% \listoftables % optional, usually not needed
% \listofalgorithms % optional, usually not needed
% requires package algorithm2e
% optional: list of symbols/notation (e.g., using the nomencl package) but usually not needed
% Bibliography
\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % requires package natbib. An alternative is apalike
\bibliography{literature} % load file literature.bib