Feng Yu's simple CV
Feng Yu
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A super succinct, professional and beautiful CV.

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A super succinct, professional and beautiful CV.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\title{\scshape Feng Yu -- Curriculum Vitae}
% Contact Info
Position: Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Mathematics, University of Central FLorida \\
Address: 4393 Andromeda Loop N, Orlando, FL 32816\\
Phone: \texttt{(+1) 407 810 5259}\\ % Your phone number
Email: \texttt{yfeng@knights.ucf.edu} or \texttt{yfengknights@gmail.com} \\
Homepage: \texttt{http://fengyu93.github.io/}
% Education
\item Ph.D in Mathematics, \href{http://sciences.ucf.edu/math/}{\emph{University of Central Florida}}, Orlando, Florida \hfill 2016--Present
\item M. S. in Mathematics, \href{http://sciences.ucf.edu/math/}{\emph{University of Central Florida}}, Orlando, Florida \hfill{2016-2018}
\item B. S. in Mathematics, \href{http://www.swufe.edu.cn/}{\emph{Southwestern University of Finance and Economics}}, China \hfill{2012-2016}
\item B. E. in Economics, \href{http://www.swufe.edu.cn/}{\emph{Southwestern University of Finance and Economics}}, China \hfill{2012-2016}
% Work Experience
\cussection{Work Experience}
\item Graduate Teaching Assistant \hfill 2016--2019
\item Graduate Research Assistant \hfill 2018--2019
% Teaching Experience
\cussection{Teaching Experience}
\subsection*{Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida}
\item Instructor for Calculus With Analytic Geometry III (MAC 2313) \hfill Fall 2019
\item Teaching Assistant for ODE I (MAP2302) \hfill Summer 2017 \& Fall 2018
\item Teaching Assistant for Calculus I (MAP2311) \hfill Fall 2017 \& Spring 2018
\cussection{Honors And Awards}
\item ORC Doctoral Fellowship (\$25,000) \hfill 2016
\item Outstanding Dissertation Award \hfill 2016
\item Merit Student \hfill 2014 \& 2015
\item Scholarship for Research and Innovation \hfill 2014
% Publications
\subsection*{Journal Papers}
\item Raj Gautam Dutta, Yaodan Hu, Yier Jin, Feng Yu, and Teng Zhang, SELvAgE: Design and Analysis of Secure Distributed Estimator for Vehicular Platooning in Adversarial Environment, accepted by \emph{Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE}
\item Feng Yu, Yi Yang and Teng Zhang, An Algorithm for Graph-Fused Lasso Based on Graph Decomposition, submitted to \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}.
\item Qi Wang, Jingyue Yang, and Feng Yu., \href{https://doi.org/10.1017/prm.2019.10}{Global well-posedness of advective Lotka--Volterra competition system with nonlinear diffusion.} \emph{Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics}, 1-27.
\item Qi Wang, Jingyue Yang, and Feng Yu, \href{http://aimsciences.org//article/id/f38a8f8e-2858-42e4-82ea-cd15251c9d11/}{Boundedness in logistic Keller--Segel models with nonlinear diffusion and sensitivity functions.} \emph{Discrete \& Continuous Dynamical Systems - A}, 2017, 37(9): 5021-5036.
\item Ke Wang, Qi Wang, and Feng Yu, \href{http://aimsciences.org/article/doi/10.3934/dcds.2017021/}{Stationary and time periodic patterns of two-predator and one-prey systems with prey-taxis.} \emph{Discrete \& Continuous Dynamical Systems - A}, 2017, 37(1): 505-543.
\subsection*{Conference Papers}
\item Raj Gautam Dutta, Yaodan Hu, Yier Jin, Feng Yu, and Teng Zhang, Security for Safety: A Path Toward Building Trusted Autonomous Vehicles. \emph{International Conference On Computer Aided Design}, 2018.
% Publications
\cussection{Professional Service}
\subsection*{Reviewer for Journals \& Conferences}
\item IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems