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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
The joining of ceramics with metals is widely used in aerospace engineering where high strength and excellent heat insulation materials are desired. In this paper, a new multifunctional bolted joint with load bearing-heat insulation integration is prepared with porous ZrO2/(ZrO2+Ni) sandwich ceramics. Double-shear behavior of the bolted joint connecting C/SiC plates is analyzed by ABAQUS codes. It is found that shearing damage occurs at shearing faces of the bolt, the shearing failure faces are layered rather than smooth. To improve its shearing strength, we introduce the shear band (ZrO2+V%Ni of thickness h) to its shearing faces. Results show that the shear band can improve the shearing strength and slow down the attenuation of load bearing capacity after reaching the shearing strength, without obviously increasing the thermal conductivity. An optimal structural design is performed and proper shear band is defined to balance the shearing strength and heat insulation performance of the ceramic joint.