A gallery of up-to-date and stylish LaTeX templates, examples to help you learn LaTeX, and papers and presentations published by our community. Search or browse below.
Official LaTeX template for Bachelor theses, Master theses and seminar papers at the Chair of Informations Systems for Sustainable Society at the University of Cologne.
An aesthetic and simple LaTeX style suitable for "preprint" publications such as arXiv and bio-arXiv, etc.
This styling maintains the esthetic of NIPS but adding and changing features to make it (IMO) even better and nore suitable for preprints.
The result looks fairly different from NIPS style so that readers won't get confused to think that the preprint was published in NIPS.
This style is still in development. You can get the latest version from:
Template for submission to Journal of the Acoustic Society of America (JASA), downloaded from https://acousticalsociety.org/preparing-latex-manuscripts/.
LaTeX template for preparing an article for submission to the Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Russian Template)
This LaTeX template (v1.03, 02 Aug 2021, lite version) can be used to prepare a research article or a short article (letter) in Russian for submission to the Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Once your article is complete, you may submit it to MSS (the Manuscript Submitting System) via this link .
More information on the Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical Sciences can be found in this site .
Samara State Technical University
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