overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Please use this template to format submissions to the Compositionality Journal (ISSN 2631-4444)

LaTeX template with the updated sources files for a paper to be submitted to the journal Nuclear Physics A.

Template para o Congresso de Recursos Energéticos e Meio Ambiente 2023 retificado com nova data e outras alterações.

Template INJEI Journal

Template of a an elegant CV/Resume that is simple to use for academic CV, which can be long. It is derived from another template on overleaf.

TCSE refers to Taiwan Conference of Software Engineering, is a conference in Taiwan. The aim of the conference is to promote the communication of software engineering research.

Modelo de Lista de Exercícios com gabarito ao final, utilizando a classe exam. Vem configurado para o Ensino Superior, mas se adapta automaticamente para ser utilizado no Ensino fundamental ou médio (basta comentar a linha indicada no arquivo InfGerais).

An example template for usage as a CST assignment submission.

The Public Library of Science (PLOS) provides guidelines for the submission of articles prepared using LaTeX. These guidelines include a detailed LaTeX template, which is pre-loaded into Overleaf to help you get started. You can use Overleaf to create and edit your article with nothing to install and no sign up required - simply click the button above to start writing your article using the PLOS template. If you're new to LaTeX, our free online LaTeX course covers all the steps you need to create a complete document in LaTeX with figures, tables and bibliography. PLOS template version 3.6 August 2022
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