LaTeX templates — Essay

I made this template based off my successful Goldwater Scholarship research essay in 2019. If nothing about the formatting has changed since then, it should be good to go. You can find my completed essay here:

This is a template for writing essays at Carleton College.

This LaTeX template provides a simple and clean starting point for writing: math articles, papers, essays, reports, homework assignments and lab reports, for example. Indeed, it is designed to be versatile and customizable, making it suitable for various academic and professional purposes. Almost every line of the source code is explained for the reader to understand what is done every step of the way. Furthermore, this template provides a document layout that looks minimalistic but keeps the professional feel. In other words, it finds the right balance between looking good and being easy to use, so you'll enjoy writing with it without any hassle. This template is not affiliated in any way with Universitat de Barcelona, as information and school logos can be easily customized. Should you have any questions, you can check the repo with the last version: Also, you can reach me via e-mail. Hope you find it useful!

由於,LaTeX 對初學者來說不太友善,且 Word 在於數學式及中文排版上不大美觀。因此我製作了這個模板,同時附上清楚明瞭的註解、許多常用且好用的封包,以及客製化設定指令,以便 LaTeX 初學者能夠輕鬆快速地完成作業、報告甚至是學位論文。

This is an English-language template for students' essays and synopses based on GOST 7.32-2017. Originally prepared in accordance with the recommendations from the academic and teaching staff of ITMO University for students of technical and natural sciences. The template is created for XeLaTeX compiler, and the bibliography is assembled by biber. The template works well in Overleaf, and it has been also tested on Windows 11 in combination MikTeX + TeXstudio.

High School Students Simple Essay Contest in Taiwan By Taipei Municipal Heping High School

Template for Radboud University essays and short papers. (Not meant to be a thesis template!)

Plantilla en formato MLA con contenido conforme a la estructura IMRaD.

This is a sample template for authoring APA7 manuscripts with apa7.cls. The sample code is distributed on CTAN.
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