LaTeX templates and examples — Chinese

Thesis template for Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Learnt a lot from thuthesis.

Clean BUAA thesis template. Not original, modified from other people's work, which can be found at

Based on ZLCao's template

A multilingual example document with Arabic, Sanskrit, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Greek and Thai, using XeLaTeX + fontspec + babel.

武汉大学博士论文 LaTeX 模板:

Since my research is related to multilingual dictionaries, I have the excuse of using this TikZ drawing of multilingual "thank you's" at the end of my presentations. It had the advantage/disadvantage of distracting the audience enough from raising nit-picking, asked-just-for-sake-for-asking types of questions. :-) If compiling this takes too long, the best way to use this is probably to use the result PDF directly via e.g. \includegraphics[page=1]{multiling-tq.pdf} BTW -- can you spot the two fictional languages? :-)

LaTeX template for SPEIT engineering internship report. 巴黎高科学院工程师实习LaTeX模板。

Haixing Hu 原项目主页: Zachary Cao 修改了部分格式,并对完全跨平台编译做了适配,使之运行在 Overleaf 平台上。 Zachary Cao 的项目主页:

deep learning 本文总结目前学习的深度学习算法,主要用于 text classification 方向
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