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Overleaf allows you to save and label different versions of your document. Simply save a version before you send them the link, and you'll always be able to restore it back to that point.

Saving versions on Overleaf

These saved versions can be seen & restored by any collaborators, but importantly, only you can delete them. This lets you share a doc without fear you'll lose work if it is mis-edited by anyone - if you save a version prior to sharing the doc, you've created a fixed restore point. An example use case is students who can save their work before sharing with their peers for review/help.

You can also share a read-only link to your document - this will enable collaborators and colleagues to review your work without being able to make changes.

Accessing the read-only URL via the share menu

Overleaf guides

LaTeX Basics


Figures and tables

References and Citations


Document structure





Field specific

Class files

Advanced TeX/LaTeX