LaTeX templates — CVs and résumés
Make a great first impression with our popular LaTeX templates for CVs and résumés.

This template shows how to create your academic CV using EuropeCV document class. More details on how to use it can be found on GitHub or on the CTAN web portal

The template shows how to use the EuropeCV LaTeX document class to create own curriculum vitae. More details on how to use it can be found on GitHub or on the CTAN web portal

A simple, not over-designed, two-column resume and CV template. Derived from AltaCV (v1.6.2). Styled to mimic my own resume, designed in MS Word and originally from a Google Docs template.

Example of a programmer’s CV.

Simple CV template in XeLaTeX. Source and information: This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

A resume template which is forked from and modifies Awesome CV, a LaTeX resume template. It is easy to customize your own template, especially since it is really written by a clean, semantic markup. This template has been downloaded from: (Feb. 2019) Original author: Claud D. Park Modifications by: Junhao Dong

Awesome CV Gold is LaTeX template for a CV (Curriculum Vitae), Résumé or Cover Letter inspired by Fancy CV and Awesome CV (posquit0). For the code to run, the compiler must be XeLaTeX. It is easy to customize your own template, especially since it is really written by a clean, semantic markup.

Example CV based on the 1.5-column-cv template: XeTeX CV template with a "1.5-column" layout (narrow left column for headings, wide right column for content), offering very simple and extensive customisation possibilities. See for more examples and detailed description.

This template has been forked from: Author: Ronak Patel Template license: CC BY-SA 4.0
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