LaTeX templates and examples — Two-column

Although the analysis of data is a task that has gained the interest of the statistical community in recent years and whose familiarity with the statistical computing environment, they encourage the current statistical community (to students and teachers of the area) to complete statistical analysis reproducible by means of the tool R. However for years there has been a gap between the calculation of matrices on a large scale and the term "big data", in this work the Normalized Cut algorithm for images is applied. Despite the expected, the R environment to do image analysis is poorly, in comparison with other computing platforms such as the Python language or with specialized software such as OpenCV. Being well known the absence of such function, in this work we share an implementation of the Normalized Cut algorithm in the R environment with extensions to programs and processes performed in C ++, to provide the user with a friendly interface in R to segment images. The article concludes by evaluating the current implementation and looking for ways to generalize the implementation for a large scale context and reuse the developed code. Key words: Normaliced Cut, image segmentation, Lanczos algorithm, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, graphs, similarity matrix, R (the statistical computing environment), open source, large scale and big data.

O conceito de automação residencial é definido como o conjunto de serviços proporcionados por sistemas tecnológicos integrados, sendo a melhor maneira de satisfazer as necessidades básicas de segurança, comunicação, gestão energética e conforto de uma habitação. Seguindo essa concepção, surgiu-se a ideia da criação de um Kit automatizado para janelas utilizando a plataforma Arduíno, visando a solução de problemas do dia a dia como o transtorno causado pela chuva e principalmente, gerando praticidade e comodidade para os cidadãos.

se presenta el desarrollo de un algoritmo bajo código fuente JavaScript para la solución de la ecuación de flujo crítico (2). Se implementó un lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos para sistemas Android 4.0 o superiores a partir de procesos iterativos e incrementales (Desarrollo ágil). Se utilizó el método numérico de Newton-Raphson para determinar la profundidad crítica de sietes secciones hidráulicas (Rectangular, trapezoidal, trapezoidal asimétrico, triangular, triangular asimétrico, parabólico y circular). Con el propósito de acelerar y garantizar el nivel de convergencia para cada una de las secciones se obtuvo una función potencial para establecer el valor semilla en el proceso iterativo, este valor se asocia de manera directa a las condiciones preestablecidas del problema hidráulico. La aplicación calcula la profundidad crítica, velocidad crítica, área

This paper describes the use of the LaTeX2e sagej.cls class file for setting papers to be submitted to a SAGE Publications journal. The template can be downloaded here. v1.2, 14 Jan 2017

This document contains instructions for preparing ACL 2016 submissions and camera-ready manuscripts. The document itself conforms to its own specifications, and is therefore an example of what your manuscript should look like. Papers are required to conform to all the directions reported in this document. By using the provided LaTeX and BibTeX styles (acl2016.sty, acl2016.bst), the required formatting will be enabled by default.

Lab report template inspired by the Elsarticle's double column journal style. Plantilla de informe de laboratorio inspirada en el estilo doble columna del paquete Elsarticle.

With Overleaf, edit online instantly this IET Electronics Letters Journal example and download a PDF version. This project is also available on my web site

O programa detalhado a seguir apresenta a jogo da cobrinha implementado em Assembly MIPS

The density of solid water, unlike most molecules, is less than that of its liquid form. Its precise value is of use in many applications. Freezing a spherical droplet of water and analyzing the changed shape from a sphere to a sphere with a slight peak in order to find the density of ice. We find the density of ice to be at 0.90 ± 1.66 · 106 g/mL. The precision of our measurement was limited by uncertainty in the angle measurements of the peak of the droplet.
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